Natural Medicines To Help Your Cat Feel Better


Just like us, sometimes our kitties experience physical and mental health concerns. Our immediate reaction when we spot something may be wrong is to worry. And for good reason, because our cats are members of our family, and we want to ensure that they are feeling well.

While it is always a good idea to contact your cat’s veterinarian at the first sign of trouble, there are some health issues that can be addressed with natural treatments.

From wound care and digestive concerns to stress relief and pain, nature provides a number of different medicines that can support both short-term and long-term cat health.

Here are five tried and true natural medicines to consider if your kitty is experiencing an ailment.


Your cat may be a bit rambunctious. So there’s a good chance that she may get scratches or cuts when exploring her world. For minor scrapes or open wounds, consider applying arnica. It is a homeopathic medicine for cats used for the relief of pain and inflammation associated with bruises. It can also be applied to pain areas such as sprains or for aging cats experiencing arthritis.

 Arnica is only for external use. Do not let your cat ingest this powerful natural topical medicine.


 Sometimes your cat may be a little skitzy. This could be the result of stress, changes to his environment, or the introduction of a new pet roommate.

Research has found that cannabidiol, one of over one hundred cannabinoid compounds found in hemp, can help to relieve feelings of anxiety and stress in felines. It works by interacting with your cat’s endocannabinoid system and stimulating neurotransmitters and other neurochemicals responsible for their body’s stress response.

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is safe to take, but be sure to find the optimal CBD dose for your cat by using an online calculator to determine their daily dosage based on their body weight.

Milk Thistle

It is common for cats to get into all sorts of potentially dangerous things, including chemicals.

At the first sign of any potential poison being introduced into your cat’s diet, contact your veterinarian and follow their medical instructions.

From a natural medicine standpoint, ask your vet about including milk thistle in their treatment plan. It is a natural herb that is taken by humans for liver health and may be of benefit to your ailing cat. Milk thistle’s active ingredient, silymarin, acts as an antioxidant and promotes the growth of new liver cells. It is often used in cats with liver disease or after exposure to toxins.

Slippery Elm

If your cat is experiencing stomach upset, Slippery Elm may be a great solution.

The inner bark of this tree native to North America is used medicinally and is given to cats in the form of syrup. It is gentle on the stomach and helps to soothe the lining of the digestive tract. It can help cats who experience conditions like gastritis, colitis, and other forms of gastrointestinal inflammation.


Aging cats experience many of the same physical pains as humans. Inflammation and arthritis are common causes of this pain. While some cats may need to take a medication prescribed by their veterinarian, you can also add turmeric to their diet.

 This well known, safe, and potent natural medicine has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties from its active ingredient, curcumin.

Turmeric can help relieve pain because of these effects, but it should be used with at the proper dosage ranges because it can cause gastrointestinal upset in high doses.


The world of natural medicine offers a variety of potentially beneficial treatments for our feline companions. Arnica, CBD, milk thistle, slippery elm, and turmeric each bring their own unique therapeutic properties that can aid in the management of various health conditions and concerns.

However, it’s important to approach using these remedies with careful consideration and professional guidance from a veterinarian.

While natural medicines for cats can serve as an excellent complement to traditional veterinary care, they are not always a replacement for conventional treatments. With the right guidance, these natural medicines can potentially help enhance the quality of life for our beloved cats, supporting them in both health and illness.

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