One-hit Wonders The Chartbusters


Introduction to The Chartbusters

The Chartbusters were a 60s music era rock and roll band hailing from Washington D.C. They were heavily influenced by the Beatles, as evidenced by their Top 40 single “She’s The One” in 1964. Led by Vernon Sandusky on vocals and guitar, he had previously played in other groups such as Bobby Pop and the Poe Cats and toured with country star Wanda Jackson for a time. The Chartbusters’ lineup were rounded off by Vince Gedeon on guitar and backing vocals, Johnny Dubas on bass and backing vocals, and Mitch Corday on drums (he would quit playing but still be involved with the band as their booking agent); they surfaced on the charts in 1964, the year when the Beatles invaded America. Their first single was “Why (Doncha Be My Girl)” broke into the Hot 100 at #92. Later that year “She’s The One” peaked at #39 on the pop charts. They never achieved the same success on the charts again although they continued to churn out some fine tracks. The Chartbusters also continued to play live gigs nationally and locally, in particular at a nightclub Crazy Horse in Washington, D.C. Personnel changes occurred and a few recordings were released before the Chartbusters broke up in 1968, going down to history as a one-hit wonder. Sandusky later became a part of Roy Clark’s road band for 22 years as a guitarist.


The Chartbusters’ story

The American rock band The Chartbusters were formed in 1964 in Washington D.C. Its short-lived existence was highlighted by their lone hit “She’s The One” in 1964. The group was founded by lead guitarist and vocalist Vernon Sandusky and he recruited Vince Gedeon (guitar, vocals), John Dubas (bassist, vocals) and Mitch Corday (drummer). Corday later worked as a booking agent of the band, being replaced by Chib Holmes. Before The Chartbusters, he was once a member of Bobby Poe and The Poe Kats who were able to tour with country and rockabilly singer Wanda Jackson.

“She’s The One” — The Chartbusters’ one and only hit single

Like many bands in the 1960s, the Chartbusters were heavily influenced by the Beatles. After being rejected by a number labels in 1964, The Chartbusters signed a record deal on Mutual Records, releasing their first single “Why (Doncha Be My Girl)” which became their first charting single (albeit a minor one at #95 on the Billboard Hot 100).

Fate changed with their sophomore single “She’s The One.” It became their first and only major hit which peaked at #33 on the Billboard Hot 100. Further singles followed after the “She’s The One” fame but none of which repeated the success of their only hit song. However, The Chartbusters became a house band at The Crazy Horse in Washington, D.C.


The Chartbusters as The Manchesters

Despite Sandusky’s repeated denials, stories otherwise circulated in Washington D.C. that the Chartbusters also issued some “quickie” budget records on Diplomat Records. The group released these records under another moniker The Manchesters.  These albums Beatlerama Volume 1 and Beatlerama Volume 2 were released on Diplomat, both in mono and stereo editions. These albums consisted of the band’s covers of The Beatles songs, as well as their own original compositions, which included some alternate versions of the songs they recorded from their Mutual Records years.

Actor Tom Hanks told People magazine that The Chartbusters were one of the inspirations for making the 90’s film That Thing You Do!, a film about the quick rise and fall of a one-hit-wonder pop group.

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