Personal Injury: What Happens if You Go to Trial and Lose?


Did you know that people who hire inexperienced lawyers tend to receive less compensation for injury claims than they otherwise would have received?

It can be stressful if you are about to take a personal injury case to trial. You might find yourself asking the question “what happens if you go to trial and lose?”.

To help clear up confusion, we’ve written a guide that explains everything you need to know about personal injury settlements and about the possibility of losing a trial. Keep reading if you want to find out more.

Know Your Rights if You Lose Your Personal Injury Lawsuit

If a jury does not decide in your favor after you’ve made a personal injury claim, the court will not award you any damages. This means that the opposing side will not be required to pay for your legal costs or medical costs.

If you or your lawyer think that the jury or judge made a mistake during the trial, it is possible to appeal this ruling. Keep in mind that it can be difficult to win an appeal.

This is why it is essential that you hire a skilled lawyer who is willing to fight on your behalf. If you are in the process of hiring a car accident attorney in Tuscon, make sure that you take the time to see these questions.

Understanding What Your Legal Fees Will Be If You Lose Your Case

The majority of personal injury claim lawyers work on contingency. This means that they will receive a portion of the amount awarded if you end up winning your case.

On the other hand, if you do not end up winning, they will not get paid. This is a good thing for you. It means that you will be able to choose a lawyer based on their skills instead of choosing one based on cost.

If you lose your case, you will need to submit your expenses to the court. This includes expert witness fees and paperwork filing fees.

You Will Need to Pay Your Own Medical Bills

It will be your responsibility to pay your own medical bills. Your healthcare providers might agree to a partial payment for your medical expenses until the trial ends.

If you end up losing your case, it might be possible for you to set up a payment plan with your healthcare providers. You also might be able to get help from your insurance provider for paying your medical bills.

Some people also choose to get loans from a bank or to pay for their medical bills with a credit card.

What Happens If You Go to Trial and Lose?

It is normal to wonder what happens if you go to trial and lose. Keep in mind that you will not be awarded any damages.

If you want to learn more about making personal injury claims, make sure to check out the rest of our blog.

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