Plan a Successful Exhibition With These Easy Steps


Exhibition or trade shows usually take place in a big city where there’s an appropriate and large enough venue for several industries to gather. It is during exhibitions that one can find different industry experts and enthusiasts that are gathered together to promote their business. If planned and executed properly, an exhibition helps one’s business generate new leads, expand their network of target customers and gain a huge ROI. But, for an exhibition to be successful, one has to keep in mind the following easy steps:

Know which show best reflects the kind of business you have

Exhibition is one effective marketing tool. However, it is important that you choose the right show so you can also expect that you have the right target customer base coming to your exhibition. If possible, try to check with the show organizer and find out who among your competitors are coming to the same exhibit. This way, you can also plan ahead of time how to make yours different and more attractive than other businesses showcased in the exhibit.

Remember that the design of your exhibition stand is crucial

It has to be something that will immediately capture an individual’s attention. Keep in mind that you will be there not as the sole business making an exhibit. But, there will also be other entrepreneurs showcasing their businesses. So, you have to see to it that your exhibition stand design will stand out amidst your competitors. It has to look smart and should serve as a reflection of your business objectives.

Elicit curiosity to attract more people to your stand.

Think of a gimmick that can draw people’s attention to your stand. It could be a magician, an interesting product demo or anything that is not only attention-grabbing, but is also reflective of what your business is all about. Make sure that whatever gimmick you plan to showcase, it should help improve your company’s credibility and product recall.

Choose the best location with the highest traffic

Where you place your exhibition stand is just as crucial as its design. Once you’ve learned that an exhibition is about to take place and that it is also relevant to your kind of business, be quick on reserving the best space. If your budget allows, choose the space with the highest amount of expected traffic. The location of your exhibition stand can largely impact your ROI and goals of joining such show. Avoid choosing those dead spots of the venue otherwise you will never be able to have people visiting your stand thereby wasting your money, time and effort.

Now that you have these steps to help you plan out an upcoming exhibition, the next thing to do is to gather your production team, account executives, estimators, designers and project managers. Encourage everyone to work together towards executing a successful exhibition and reap large ROI. Remember to always keep the process fun and engaging so that your goals of increasing brand awareness and expanding network opportunities will all become possible.

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