Renovating Your Home for Aging in Place: Accessibility and Safety Upgrades


As we age, the idea of remaining in our own homes becomes increasingly appealing. Aging in place allows seniors to maintain independence, comfort, and familiarity in a familiar environment. To make this a reality, it’s essential to undertake complete home renovations with accessibility and safety in mind. By implementing thoughtful upgrades, you can create a space that accommodates changing mobility needs and reduces the risk of accidents. In this blog, we’ll explore key accessibility and safety upgrades to consider when renovating your home for aging in place.

1. Creating a Step-Free Entry:

Starting with the entryway, consider creating a step-free entrance to your home. Installing a ramp or a gradual slope can eliminate the need for stairs, making it easier for individuals with mobility aids, such as wheelchairs or walkers, to enter and exit the home safely.

2. Widening Doorways and Hallways:

Widening doorways and hallways is crucial for providing easy navigation throughout the home, especially for those using mobility devices. Aim for a minimum doorway width of 36 inches and a hallway width of at least 42 inches to accommodate wheelchairs and walkers comfortably.

3. Installing Grab Bars and Handrails:

In high-risk areas like bathrooms and staircases, install grab bars and handrails to enhance stability and prevent falls. Grab bars near toilets, showers, and bathtubs offer essential support, while sturdy handrails along staircases provide added safety.

4. Adapting Bathrooms for Accessibility:

Bathrooms are prime areas for accessibility upgrades. Consider installing a walk-in shower with a curbless entry for easy access. A shower bench or fold-down seat can also provide a comfortable spot to rest during bathing. Lever-style faucets and easy-to-reach storage will further enhance bathroom functionality.

5. Improving Lighting and Visibility:

A well-lit home is essential for seniors to move safely and confidently. Add additional lighting to hallways, staircases, and entryways. Motion-activated lights can be particularly useful in areas like closets and bathrooms, ensuring visibility when needed.

6. Lever-Style Door Handles and Faucets:

Replace traditional doorknobs with lever-style door handles, which are easier to operate, especially for individuals with arthritis or limited hand strength. Similarly, opt for lever-style faucets in the kitchen and bathrooms for improved ease of use.

7. Kitchen Modifications:

Adapting the kitchen for aging in place involves making key modifications. Lowering countertops and installing pull-out shelves in cabinets can reduce the need for bending or reaching. A single-handle, pull-out faucet simplifies kitchen tasks, and a raised dishwasher can minimize the strain of loading and unloading.

8. Slip-Resistant Flooring:

Choosing slip-resistant flooring throughout the home is essential for reducing the risk of falls. Materials such as cork, rubber, and textured tiles provide excellent traction, especially in high-moisture areas like bathrooms and kitchens.

9. Elevators and Chairlifts:

For multi-story homes, installing an elevator or chairlift can greatly enhance accessibility and eliminate the need to navigate stairs. These additions can significantly extend the time seniors can remain in their homes comfortably.

10. Smart Home Technology:

Embrace smart home technology to increase safety and convenience. Voice-activated assistants can control lights, thermostats, and appliances, reducing the need for manual adjustments. Smart security systems with motion-activated cameras offer additional peace of mind.

11. Non-Slip Bath Mats and Treads:

In bathrooms and other potentially slippery areas, use non-slip bath mats and adhesive treads to prevent accidents. These simple additions can significantly enhance safety in wet environments.

12. Lowered Light Switches and Thermostats:

Lower light switches and thermostats to a more accessible height for individuals using wheelchairs or those with limited mobility. This small change can make a big difference in daily living comfort.

13. Accessible Storage Solutions:

Ensure that storage areas are accessible and safe. Lowering closet rods and installing pull-down or pull-out shelves can make storage more manageable for aging residents.

14. Emergency Alert Systems:

Consider investing in a reliable emergency alert system that allows seniors to call for help in case of emergencies. These systems often include wearable devices or wall-mounted buttons for quick access.

15. Consult with Professionals:

When planning renovations for aging in place, it’s essential to consult with professionals experienced in universal design and accessibility. An occupational therapist or a certified aging-in-place specialist can provide valuable insights and recommendations tailored to your specific needs.


Pursuing complete home renovations so you can age in place is an investment in safety, independence, and comfort. By incorporating thoughtful accessibility and safety upgrades, you can create a living space that adapts to changing needs and supports a high quality of life. From installing grab bars and ramps to modifying bathrooms and kitchens, each renovation enhances the functionality and safety of your home. Embracing smart home technology and non-slip solutions adds further convenience and peace of mind. The key to successful aging-in-place renovations is careful planning and consultation with professionals to ensure that your home is tailored to your unique needs and requirements. With the right modifications in place, you can confidently look forward to aging in the comfort of your beloved home, surrounded by familiarity, independence, and the loving memories you’ve created over the years.

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