Send a Gift Just Because: Seven Tips to Surprise Loved Ones


Choosing a gift for your loved one is a great way to show them how much they mean to you, but if you have ever received a gift yourself, then you know that presentation can be just as important as what you’re gifting. Especially if your loved one is receiving something completely unexpected and extra special, you want to wow them with the delivery. Here’s seven tips on how to choose and deliver a gift that will make your loved one’s jaw drop.

1. Send a gift in the mail

If you want to give a gift to surprise a loved one but you can’t be with them in person, you can always send a gift in the mail. One of the main pros of online shopping is the ability to ship almost anything, including fresh food and alcohol, straight to your loved one’s door. When choosing a gift to send, think about your loved one’s hobbies and interests.

Being able to ship from anywhere across the country also offers a lot of unique location-specific gifting opportunities, so you might want to choose a gift from a specialty shop that your loved one can’t find in their own state or hometown. Food from your favorite local bakery or restaurant is just one great idea. If you want to be extra, you can decorate and personalize the package that you’re sending.

2. Wrap the gift in a prank gift box to make them think it’s something else

This is a great way to surprise a gift recipient who has no idea what you might be giving them. You can buy prank gift boxes online for weird fake gifts, like a coffee machine for the shower, or even gross ones—like wearable toilet brushes. If your intended recipient has a sense of humor, you can send a gift in a prank box and let them reveal the truly thoughtful gift you chose.

3. Hide your surprise gift for a fun scavenger hunt

If your intended recipient is already expecting a gift, you can still make it a surprise! If you’re presenting the gift at a family gathering, you can hide the gift in a hard-to-reach or secret location. Tell the recipient that there is a surprise for them hidden somewhere in the room and they’re not allowed to have it unless they find it.

This works better if you hid the present before your loved one’s arrival, and can be even more fun if the recipient is a child or there are children trying to distract your recipient from winning the game. You can take the game up a notch by tying a blindfold around your recipient and shouting “Hot” or “Cold” depending on your loved one’s proximity to the hidden gift! If you want to send a gift that’s truly a surprise and your intended recipient loves games, then let them win one!

4. Present it in a special location

If you’re planning an extra special gift like a piece of jewelry for a partner or loved one, you can present it to them in a location with special significance. Take them to their favorite restaurant or for a walk in their favorite park. Gift it in a thoughtful box or with additional decorations. Even if you’re not giving this gift to your partner, any of your loved ones will appreciate a thoughtful gift at a charming location.

5. Gift them an experience

If your loved one’s birthday or celebration is just around the corner, they’re probably expecting material gifts from their friends and family. One of the most unique surprises you can gift, and one that will stick with them for years to come, is an experience. If you’re feeling generous, you can gift them a vacation, a gift certificate to a nice restaurant, a concert or sports ticket, a massage, facial, or maybe a pottery or photography class. And, if you can attend the experience with them, it will be that much more memorable.

6. Ask other friends and family members

If your loved one has a lot of niche interests, or you know they want something specific but aren’t sure where to start, consider asking around. This can be especially helpful for teenage family members whose interests are always changing with the trends. Ask your loved one’s parents, partner, or anyone who knows them best to find out what might be on their wishlist. If you’re stuck, cash and gift cards can be some of the best surprises of all.

7. Drop hints about the gift leading up to the delivery

If your intended recipient already knows that you’re getting them a gift but you still want to be it a surprise, you can drop hints to lead them off track. Let them guess what you might be getting them and don’t tell them if they’re right or wrong. This surprise gift method can go hand-in-hand with the scavenger hunt or prank box method if your recipient likes gifts that double as games. You can even present the hints as clues or riddles to leave your loved one wondering right up until the big reveal.

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