Seven Highly Paid Jobs in the Field of Engineering


Engineers have a prominent role in different industries. It is a vast profession with various subfields, each with significant importance and value worldwide. With an increasingly growing demand for this field, the industry might put forward almost 14,000 new jobs over the next decade. Perhaps, it is no surprise that engineers get the highest pay among all other professions, with annual wages reaching up to $91,010, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

It is a technical career with incredible compensations, scope, facilities, and benefits worldwide. However, it is always important to thoroughly research each field and choose the one close to your skillset and interest. You should always weigh your career opportunities and try to make wise decisions because your life depends on it.

This article has compiled the top seven most in-demand engineering careers that yield the highest monetary return. It will help you have a clear idea about the scope and evolution of engineering as a career.

1. Electrical Engineering 

It is one of the most challenging fields of all time with a profound understanding and access to cutting-edge technology. It is a field with numerous specializations as you study the design and application of equipment, devices, and power-based systems. Tech savvies with an inclination to learn innovations will understand the importance of electrical engineering. It is an exciting career with incredible prospects and compensations.

If you wish to learn new tech-based developments, you should opt for this profession. However, you’ll require sound technical knowledge and skills, along with good qualifications in a similar area. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), electrical engineers earn $101,250 annually, with the growing demand of almost 328,100 jobs in this field.

2. Petroleum Engineering

Petroleum engineering is one of the most appealing careers among all other engineering professions in terms of compensation. Presently, it is one of the most demanding and rewarding fields. A Petroleum engineer works on natural reserves; their mining, extraction, and standardization process using various advanced methods.

To become a qualified petroleum engineer, you must obtain a degree in petroleum engineering, followed by relevant experience and certifications. However, you should have profound knowledge of math, geology, and chemistry if you wish to succeed in this career. A petroleum engineer earns $137,720 annually, U.S BLS reports. Therefore, being one of the highest-paying engineering professions, petroleum engineering is a promising career to opt for.

3. Nuclear Engineering

Engineers working in this field generate various nuclear power products through research and development. Nuclear engineers work in multiple settings. These include healthcare institutes, industrial companies, or other government organizations to build power generation systems, power storage equipment, and electro-mechanical tools. They earn a total of $99,920 per year and provide energy resources and products for all.

4. Mechanical Engineering 

A mechanical engineer does more fieldwork than an in-office job. They need to develop a diversified collection of products ranging from automation solutions to building large industrial plants and developing vehicles. This profession requires in-depth research and production of various industrial and automotive items.

A degree in Mechanical Engineering and some level of experience is required so that you can acquire $88,430 per year, according to U.S BLS. However, you also need a proper skill set and knowledge of software development, data analysis, and coding language to do a great job in this career.

5. Chemical Engineering  

Chemical engineering involves designing, developing, and producing various products using different chemical processes. There are niches in which you can specialize according to your interest. These include pharmaceuticals, energy, food and drink, natural resources, or plastics. Anyone who wishes to build his/her career in this field should have at least a bachelor’s degree. However, the relevant skillset is also vital to secure a good job opportunity.

Moreover, the organization you work for plays a significant role in affecting your compensations. According to Paysa, the top-paying companies for chemical engineers include Xerox paying $181,000 per year.

6. Computer Engineering

Computer engineering is a fusion of computer science and electrical engineering. Professionals working in this field get considerable compensation for their labor and talent. Therefore, if you incline to advance digital technology, networking, and information systems, then computer engineering is the right career for you. You need to study computer science or a computer engineering program to begin.

Subsequently, having a knack for the latest technological advancements and communication proficiencies is an additional advantage. Computer engineers develop hardware, implement software applications to enhance the networking system. The world is flooding with computer engineering opportunities. More people are focusing on this profession; since it opens doors for a lucrative career. The top high-paying countries for computer engineers are the United States of America $83,082, Canada $72,412, and the United Kingdom $64,513.

7. Aerospace Engineering 

Aerospace is an exciting field that entails a wide range of engineering and manufacturing tasks specially designed for airspace. From designing parts of an aircraft to manufacturing missiles, engineers work on an array of jobs required to build aerospace products. They create various space items including, spacecraft, satellites, missiles, and planes. It is a rewarding field with incredible experience, high pay, and national value.

Anyone who likes aerospace with an inclination towards national defense should consider it. However, these engineers require great insight, qualification, experience, and security clearance, before you can excel in this field. According to the U.S BLS, aerospace engineers make $116,500, per year, with job growth of almost 1,900 in the coming decade.

The Bottom Line

In a nutshell, engineering is a flourishing profession; however, various subfields of this vast industry provide numerous job opportunities for people. Each field has its importance and benefits, but some highly-paid engineering jobs outweigh others. Therefore, while determining your profession, you should look out for the salary and worldwide scope to make a rational decision.

However, the fields mentioned above are worthwhile for those who wish to earn good compensation. You may opt for any of them, considering your interests and requirements. Lastly, no matter whichever discipline you decide to choose, you will make a rewarding career through your dedication and hard work.


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