Simple Tips to Decorate a Small Living Room


Decorating the living room, it is important not to forget the main role of this room. The living room is designed for comfortable communication and relaxation, and it should in no case be cluttered with unnecessary interior objects. These easy tips help you properly design a small living room to make it more comfortable and spacious so that you feel comfortable while in-play betting or watching movies with your relatives.

Designate the Center of the Room

In any living room should be clearly marked the central part of the interior, around which the rest of the furniture will be located. As a rule, the center of the room becomes the sitting area, such as a coffee table and a sofa and armchairs.

Choose Furniture

And in the smallest living rooms, the center of the interior can be a couple of cozy armchairs. To give the room a complete look, place paired coffee tables of round or square shape next to the chairs.

Increase the Interior Space

Use the small tricks. For example, light shades of walls and furniture, mirrors and glass surfaces will optically expand your living room. Keep this in mind when choosing a coffee table or deciding what to hang on the wall.

Lay a Rug and Hang Curtains

Add accessories. First, choose the right rug to accentuate the style and color of the room. Then hang the curtains: try to place them as close to the ceiling as possible to visually elongate the interior of the living room.

Choose the Right Colors

The color of a small living room plays a crucial role: whether the room will be cozy and spacious or gloomy and uncoordinated. To achieve harmony, designers advise adhering to the following rules:

  • All colors should harmonize with each other. Therefore, it is recommended to use tones that are considered universal. Light shades are used as a basis, diluting with other colors.
  • Applying the color wheel, keep in mind: the primary and secondary colors should be presented in proportions of 60:30, and only 10% should be given to an extra color. For example, black, which will be expressed only in details: the legs of the table, door handles, and cabinet fittings.
  • It is not recommended to use more than three colors. It is necessary to choose the main one, which will be the most in the interior, and dilute it with the remaining shades. The following principles are considered correct: 75% for the main tone, 25% for additional, 5% for the brightest color from the palette.

Add Accents

Make the living room even cozier. Lay a plaid on the couch, arrange poufs and pillows. Accentuate your personality and hang pictures and photos that match your mood. And decorative items like, for example, candles, will give warmth and create a relaxed atmosphere.

Proper interior design of a small living room requires a lot of knowledge and ingenuity. But today there are many options on how to arrange the living space so that it turns out beautiful, spacious and functional. The main thing is to correctly use every available meter. Decor, furniture, light walls are the key to success in decorating small spaces.

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