Simple Ways on How to Make Your Home More Sustainable


We only have one planet to live on, and we should treat it as to how we take care of our very own homes. So to lessen our impact on this planet, maybe it’s time to adopt green living and implement sustainability at home. Let’s do Mother Earth a favor, even if it means changing our air fresheners or house cleaning items. Here we’ll show you several simple ways to shift to a sustainable lifestyle at home, and the reasons why you should.

Why build a green home

We believe that a cozy home can benefit you in a lot of ways: a nice feeling of coming home to a relaxing ambiance. At the same time, a sustainable home can not only benefit you but also the community–and of course, our planet. We only have one Earth, so it is our duty to take care of it. Carrying out sustainability at home is a big win for everyone.

By embracing a sustainable lifestyle at home, you make it possible to lower mankind’s immense carbon footprint on the world. Even small efforts, when combined, can make a great difference. Simply abandoning traditional brands, then replacing them with eco friendly house products is already a great start.

Moreover, sustainable homes will consume much less energy, which would drop our reliance on non-renewable energy, lower our greenhouse gas impact, and even save us all some money. Another reason to build a green home is to preserve our planet’s limited natural resources while reducing generated waste as well. By preferring high-quality furniture or adopting a recycling economy, you won’t have to replace or buy stuff more often, lowering demand for resources for production, and in effect, the waste as well.

Simple ways to practice sustainability at home

Color-coded waste bins for the segregation of trash

Remember, every gradual change can create a significant difference when combined. Here we list down several ways to build a green home that you can try to reduce our impact on the planet.

Take advantage of natural lighting and heating


We are huge fans of bringing the outdoors inside, and this idea can also create sustainability at home. We suggest that you make your living area and other common places at home where people mostly like to hang out be located near large windows if possible. Use natural sunlight to your advantage, so that you’d be less reliant on artificial lighting. Plus, this concept also provides a nicer vibe for your home.

While you’re at it, why not try to upgrade your windows and make them double-paned? Having two panes of glass (with a thin space in between) may cost more upfront, but the savings are significant on the electricity bill as two panes can act as insulation and you won’t have to depend heavily on modifying the temperature or central heating in your homes.

Employ energy-efficient appliance/devices

Look for appliances that have energy-saving settings, and if possible, choose models that only require less energy. So, it is a must to consult an appliance’s energy label first. Keep in mind that a cheaper price does not always translate to lower energy consumption in the longer run. From refrigerators to dishwashers, only invest in energy-efficient models and replace your older models at home that are more power-hungry (like switching to LED light bulbs). Better yet, install solar panels, which are more affordable now than before. By doing these, see how you can save money on bills while also practicing sustainability at home.

Only opt for sustainable dinnerware

Even your choice of what plates and food containers to use can make a difference. That’s why you should only purchase durable dinnerware and kitchenware with a premium build. The goal is to lower the chances of constantly replacing them, and lessen trash, too.

Tupperware or plastic plates may come to mind, but they are sourced from petroleum, which is an obvious environmental enemy. If you truly want to use only eco friendly house products, then opt for responsibly-made and sourced dinnerware sets, like synthetic-free ceramic plates. They are not only durable but are also an excellent addition to your fabulous dining display!

(Added tip: pick sustainably-sourced hardwood dining tables to make any dining experience delightful–and plus points for the planet too.)

Remember to reuse and recycle

Flowers on a vase in display as natural air fresheners

Being mindful of your trash is one of the best ways you can help this planet. That also means starting this practice in our own homes. We should segregate our waste and dedicate separate bins for every type of trash, recyclables should be put apart. A compost bin, to direct food wastes and similar wastes, would also be perfect especially if you are growing vegetables and herbs in your own garden or backyard.

If you can, repurpose some of your unused items into new stuff rather than buying, like turning old buckets or food containers into a DIY planter, or making a wall decor out of old CDs and DVDs. If you’re not able to recycle everything, find the nearest recycling centers so that you can let them give new life to your scrap, rather than ending up in landfills.

Use natural aromas to freshen the ambiance

Ditch your regular factory-made air fresheners, products that can take a toll on both the environment and your health. Switch now to natural and even DIY air deodorizers from actual herbs and flowers. You can easily make your own homemade scent by mixing some water, baking soda, alcohol, and essential oils of flowers (such as roses) in a spray bottle. It’s one of the eco friendly house products that will not only lower your carbon footprint but also elevate any room’s ambiance!

You can complement your DIY scent with actual flowers for display, to further sweeten up your home’s atmosphere. Get creative with arranging real plants, succulents, and flowers, the OG odor-freshener, from lavenders to geraniums and it will feel like spring all year long. Don’t forget to put them on gorgeous vases for added character, and voila! Home sweet home truly.

Other nifty sustainable changes

Even other little changes you make in your home matter as well. Perhaps, it’s now time to switch to natural cleaning products and abandon those made from harmful chemicals. There are certain cleaning products that contain surfactants or other synthetic preservatives, which end up polluting the water and air and can even be considered a health hazard. Look for locally-made alternatives, eco friendly house products for cleaning sourced from natural ingredients, which can also be cheaper.

Making your own homemade cleaners is not so bad. Start with a mix of vinegar, baking soda, and lemon. Replace your traditional sponges with a cleaning brush instead. The usually-yellow sponges contain traces of plastic, which is a near-future waste problem once you replace them with a new one. There are cleaning brushes out there with bristles comprising responsibly-sourced coconut husks.

Rather than paper towels, why not use cloth for dinners and cleaning? Cloth towels are also highly reusable, plus you can even pick your own style and color. Wouldn’t it be wonderful offering superb table linens to your guests?

We’re not saying that implementing sustainability at home is an easy feat; it really takes some effort on our part. But even with these small changes you make, like switching to eco friendly house products or only buying sustainable furniture and appliances, it’s already a great step in the right direction—to build a green home and even a greener community. There’s no better time to start than now.

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