Slip and Fall Injury: To Settle or Go to Court?


Slip and fall injuries are common in the workplace and they can be severe in some cases. Normally, you are entitled to compensation if you can prove beyond any reasonable doubt that your injury is a result of a slip and fall accident within the workplace. But you can only be assured of getting a fair slip and fall injuries claim if you have the best slip and fall attorney working on your behalf. Slip and fall injuries can also affect customers or visitors to a particular company and they can also be compensated. To claim compensation for your injury, you can choose to settle it with the company involved or go to court.

Below are some tips that can help you get full compensation using any of the two options.

How to settle a slip and fall injury Case?

The company through their insurance company should compensate the worker or visitor who has been injured in a slip and fall injury. Alternatively, you can choose the court option, depending on the circumstances surrounding the issue. However, you need to find out more from a professional injury attorney so that you can make an informed decision. There are different steps that you should also follow to ensure that you get the compensation that you deserve.

What is the claim process for the injured employee?

The first step that you should take to win a case of a slip and fall injury at your workplace is to present evidence that shows that indeed, you have been injured while carrying out your duties. Every company is obliged to ensure that the working environment is safe for all employees to prevent unprecedented injuries. However, if the unavoidable accident happens, then the injured employee should claim compensation.

To increase your chances of getting the full compensation that you deserve, you can engage a professional slip and fall injury lawyer. If you can provide satisfactory evidence that you have been injured at work, then the case can be settled locally with the company.

Some employers may attempt to downplay the case such that you end up getting a pittance instead of full compensation. When you realize that your employer is not willing to do the right thing by paying you full compensation, you can proceed to court. The court is the highest arbiter of disputes that exists between different parties. You should make sure that your lawyer leads all the legal proceedings in the case to increase your chances of winning full benefits.

Compensation Claim By The Customer

On the other hand, a client or visitor can also suffer a slip and fall injury when they visit the company. In this case, the victim should prove that their injury has been a result of negligence on behalf of the staff within the company. The company has a duty to ensure that the environment is safe for all people who visit the place.

The staff members are also expected to foresee the existence of dangerous conditions that can pose a threat to the safety of the different people who visit the company. Thus, evidence to support the claim for injury should be presented to the responsible authorities by the victim. Many companies have CCTV cameras, and the victim can request the video with evidence of the claim.

To Settle or Go to Court?

If the company is cooperative, the matter can be solved at a local level and this will help to preserve its integrity. Some companies are concerned with showing that they care for their clients and they can choose the easy route out of court settlement. However, an agreement should be reached between the victim and the organization involved.

When the parties involved in the slip and fall injury claim fail to reach an agreement, then the victim can consider the court option. Again, the victim should engage the services of a professional slip and fall injury lawyer to improve the chances of winning the compensation they deserve.

When you notice that the company is denying responsibility for your injury, the best option is to approach the court of law where all disputes can be solved amicably. You should make sure that you hire a professional attorney in the area of slip and fall injury claims to be on the safe side.

Slip and fall injuries are common in different companies and they can affect the workers and visitors as well. The victim is entitled to get compensation as long as they can prove that the injury is a result of an unsafe environment in the company. In both cases, a medical examination is vital. When the evidence is glaring, the injured person and the company can choose an out of court settlement. This is a viable option for both parties involved. However, when the parties fail to reach an agreement, the case can be solved in court.

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