Small Breed Dogs for Apartment Living


Living in an apartment has countless perks, but it also comes with challenges. One of those challenges is if you want a pet. But small breed dogs can make great companions in a compact space. They are adaptable, affectionate, and often require less room to roam. This article will help you find the perfect small-breed dog for your apartment. From their needs to their temperaments, discover why these little dogs are ideal for city living.


A pug on a couch

Pugs are known for their charming personalities and distinctive appearance. They are a great choice for apartment living due to their:

  • Size: Pugs are small and compact, making them ideal for smaller spaces. Their sturdy build means they are not overly fragile, yet their small size ensures they won’t feel cramped in an apartment.
  • Temperament: Pugs are affectionate and friendly and enjoy being around their owners. They are known for their playful and loving nature, often forming strong bonds with their human families. Pugs tend to be good with children and other pets, making them a versatile choice for apartment dwellers.
  • Exercise Needs: Pugs have moderate exercise needs, and are often satisfied with short daily walks and indoor playtime. They are prone to obesity, so it’s important to monitor their diet and ensure they get regular physical activity. However, they do not require extensive outdoor exercise, which suits apartment living well.


An adorable Bichon Frise on a couch

Bichon Frises are cheerful and playful dogs that thrive in an apartment setting. Key features of Bichons include:

  • Size: Small and lightweight, Bichons fit well in confined spaces. Their fluffy, white coats make them look larger than they are, but their actual size is perfect for an apartment.
  • Temperament: They are sociable, good with children, and get along well with other pets. Bichons are known for their happy-go-lucky attitude and love of human companionship. They are also hypoallergenic, which is a bonus for those with allergies.
  • Exercise Needs: Regular play sessions and short walks are enough to keep them happy and healthy. Bichons enjoy interactive play and are often very responsive to training, making them great indoor pets.

English Bulldogs

An English Bulldog in his bed

Despite their stocky build, English Bulldogs are excellent apartment dogs. Their main attributes are:

  • Size: Medium-sized but manageable within an apartment. English Bulldogs have a distinctive, muscular build, but their low activity level means they do not need a lot of space to move around.
  • Temperament: Calm, loyal, and good-natured, they are perfect for a relaxed indoor environment. Bulldogs are known for their easygoing nature and are often content to lounge around the apartment. They form strong bonds with their owners and can be quite protective.
  • Exercise Needs: Low to moderate exercise requirements, with short walks being sufficient. English Bulldogs can be prone to overheating and breathing issues, so it’s important to manage their activity levels and avoid strenuous exercise, especially in hot weather.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels

A pretty Cavalier King Charles Spaniels

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are gentle and affectionate dogs well-suited for apartment life. Their notable traits include:

  • Size: Small and lightweight, they adapt easily to smaller living spaces. Their elegant appearance and soft, silky coat make them a popular choice for those seeking a smaller breed.
  • Temperament: Friendly, affectionate, and good with families and other pets. Cavaliers are known for their loving nature and thrive on human interaction. They are often described as “lap dogs” due to their preference for sitting close to their owners.
  • Exercise Needs: Moderate exercise needs, including daily walks and playtime. Cavaliers enjoy outdoor activities but are also content with indoor play, making them versatile for apartment living.

Boston Terriers

A Boston Terrier on a couch

Boston Terriers, also known as the “American Gentleman,” are energetic yet apartment-friendly dogs. Key characteristics of Boston Terriers include:

  • Size: Small and compact, ideal for apartment living. Their short coat and well-proportioned bodies make them easy to manage in smaller spaces.
  • Temperament: Intelligent, friendly, and great with children and other pets. Boston Terriers are known for their bright, lively personalities and are often described as very intelligent and easy to train. They are generally well-mannered and social, making them excellent companions in an apartment setting.
  • Exercise Needs: Moderate exercise needs, with a mix of walks and indoor activities. Boston Terriers are playful and energetic but do not require extensive outdoor exercise. They enjoy interactive play and mental stimulation, which can be provided indoors.


When choosing a small breed dog for apartment living, consider factors such as size, temperament, and exercise needs. Pugs, Bichons, English Bulldogs, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, and Boston Terriers are all excellent choices that can thrive in an apartment environment, providing companionship and joy without requiring extensive space. With the right care and attention, these small breeds can make your apartment feel like home, bringing love and happiness into your daily life.

Additional Facts

  • Pugs are not long-haired dogs, which makes grooming them very easy. However, you may have to pay attention to their facial wrinkles, as you’ll need to clean under the folds regularly. You can also learn more about how long pugs live as well.
  • Bichon Frise’s energy levels can skyrocket during the day, and it requires lots of exercise and attention.
  • English Bulldogs are very people-oriented, are tolerant of other animals, and will never attack any stranger.
  • Despite their small size, Boston Terriers tend to be very protective of their owners, especially if you have children.
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