Small Businesses in Miami During the Coronavirus


The coronavirus has affected everyone on Earth. Whether that effect is in the form of no longer going to work, getting extremely sick, staying in the hospital, having family members who have passed, or just your average day no longer being the same, it has taken its toll on the daily life we all used to have. Each country is taking its own steps to ensure its citizens are taken care of as well as its numerous small businesses, and some are doing a better job than others.

American is seen as a laughing stock to many countries that have more socialist practices because of the lack of government funding in the form of stimulus checks provided to the people. The stark difference around the world we see between government involvement and a true capitalist economy is shown through the form of money cut by the government in this case or lack thereof. Although America used to be able to hold its own when times got tough, we now rely on money backed by nothing and a pool of debt to keep us afloat; what happens when a global pandemic forces us to stop working, you ask? We suffer, and our small businesses suffer as well.

One of the cities to be hit the worst by this virus is Miami, Florida. No one wants to wear a mask, small businesses are not abiding by the rules, and people are just not taking it seriously. What do you do then? Well, it goes back to what type of government you have. If your government allows for a socialist/democratic economy, it will provide stimulus checks as well as PPP to protect the people and businesses of their nation

. True government funding is seen as a positive in this case. However, if you have a capitalist economy, that would mean no government funding, but also no restrictions on when your business can and cannot be open. America has taken a turn towards the left, leaving capitalism as an afterthought in this case. Regulating businesses so they can’t stay open and make money is truly hurting sunny Miami, Florida especially since a second round of stimulus money is nowhere to be found.

Restaurants are closing left and right, even gyms are going bankrupt, yet the coronavirus is still alive and kicking. What was once a popular tourist destination is now suffering without a big chunk of its income, losing both tourists and locals to the rules from the government and the untamed global virus.

If you live in or visit Miami, you can help by wearing your mask, ordering from local restaurants, and enjoying activities that are outdoors. Although we all have our own thoughts about the virus and what the government should and shouldn’t do, we can all agree on one thing: we want the virus gone! Being courteous of those at a higher-risk while still helping the economy by using our purchasing power is ultimately all we can do.

This is a very scary time, and small businesses in Miami are seeing the worst of it! Below are some small businesses in Miami you can support as a local during this trying time:

Pest Control

Pest Control companies are abiding by strict rules when it comes to sending out a technician to your home. A mask is always a must as well as testing when any symptoms arise. You can always avoid the pest control specialist when they visit your home by staying in a separate room. The bugs are sure to not bat an eye at this virus! They are alive and kicking, especially mosquitoes during these summer months.

Junk Removal

Many companies are ditching their offices and ending their leases to move more towards at-home work which of course leaves the office empty. When your company moves out of its building, chances are it will need the assistance of a junk removal company. Whether it’s desks, desk chairs, other furniture, or just plain trach, a junk removal company can help you donate or throw away big, bulky items. You can even go to your office before they get there and make it clear what they need to leave or take. This allows for a contactless process which will include online billing, too.

Digital Marketing

If you have your own small business or want to start one to make money online, chances are you will need digital marketing services. Miami, Florida is abundant with digital marketing companies and most are prepared to help! Whether it’s web design, SEO, Social Media Marketing, or ad management, feel free to reach out and get a quote, or multiple. Now is a great time to work on those extra side projects that can eventually turn into a full-time business.

In conclusion, we can all do our part to help the economy and small businesses; whether that’s by buying services or just wearing our masks when we are out, let’s make it a team effort!

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