Specialties to Look for in a Top Life Coach in London


Whether you are into business or an artist, a mental block can always hold you back from reaching new success levels you wish to conquer. Such broader impacts of mental ill-health result in over £25 billion each year in London’s total economic costs.

If you wish to see things from a fresh perspective, it is best to have one-on-one sessions with an experienced coaching specialist. A life coach London can help you clarify thoughts, enabling you to achieve your professional and personal life goals. Here are some of the top-class specialities the best life coaches offer in the capital city.

Career Direction

As per a recent report, chief financial officer, VP of sales and VP of engineering are the highest paying jobs in London, with a salary package of over £100,000.

Most of you would feel stuck at some point in your career, unsure how to steer your professional path to reach such colossal salary packages. And, some of you might consider quitting your current job and following your passion.

A life coach specialises in career improvement guidance, motivating you to focus on your well-paid career opportunities, be it in your existing or a new job profile.

Boosting Self-esteem and Confidence

Did you know that about 60% of 10 to 17-year-old girls in London, like in the rest of the UK, have low self-esteem? 9 out of 10 girls do not spend time participating in activities outside the house; they aren’t happy with their physical appearance.

Physical appearance is one of the many reasons to pull your confidence level down and force you to hit rock bottom.

But with a life coach in London, you can experience self-realization, becoming more confident than ever before. These specialists engage you in free-flowing sessions with intriguing questions that force you to discern your calibre, thus gradually boosting your self-esteem.

Stress Management

More than a third of sickness absence days in London are due to stress. Moreover, Londoners clock 100 hours of overtime in a year, which again aggravates their work stress levels.

With psychodynamics and positive psychology, life coaches transform your perceived obstacles, which create stress for you, into positive actions.

Analysing Your Life Path and Purpose

Your college years set the base for your future. With over 250,000 undergraduates and about 120,000 postgraduates in London, Business, Natural Science and Engineering are the courses currently trending among the Brits.

A deft life coach takes a future-oriented approach to help you analyze and work towards achieving your long-term goals. With pertinent questions, they help you review your skillset and values to identify the path to your success in life.

Addiction Recovery

London has seen an 85% increase in drug-related deaths in recent years, with a higher proportion of cocaine deaths than the rest of the country.

If you are lucky to survive a drug overdose, it is best to engage in regular interactions with a proficient life coach to overcome addiction issues.

A prolific life coaching approach will help you rekindle your social interaction and work-related skills to get back on to your feet.

Achieving Entrepreneurship Goals

The London startup ecosystem stands at a staggering $47 billion, with a global ranking of #2 in Fintech and estimated startup and scaleup numbers close to 13,600.

But no matter how thrilled you are about your startup, you will experience creative blocks.

Accomplished life coaches adopt constructive ways to unleash your creativity. You will be capable of thinking out of the box and motivate your teams to ideate more, thus instigating higher profit margins.

The NHS health experts suggest that mental healthcare would increase significantly amid the pandemic, just as after the Grenfell fire in London in 2017. In such testing times, consult an EMCC registered life coach for self-reflection and morale-boosting, to transform your life objectives into reality.

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