Strange and Unusual Flags


Flags always represent a nation, movement or a group. Choosing the right design, symbols, colors, and insignia for a flag can say a lot about a country, group or movement. Just take a look at the American flag, it has fifty stars that represent its fifty states. There are symbolic and eye-pleasing flags and then there are the strange and unusual flags, with uncommon and eccentric colors, symbols and designs. If you’re curious about them, we have created a list of the strange and unusual flags that ever existed

1. Friesland (Netherlands)

Friesland (Netherlands)

Friesland is a province in the northern part of Netherlands. It is historically known as Frisia. The flag of Friesland has seven red seeblatts (pompeblêden) which refers to the Frisian sea countries back in the Middle Ages: West Friesland, Westergoa, Hunsingo, Eastergoa, Fivelingo, Emsingo, and Jeverland. To some, the seablatts may look like hearts or Chinese fortune cookies, however according to the official regulations it “should not be heart-shaped”. 

This flag greatly influences the football teams of SC Heerenveen and Blauhster Dakkapel’s jerseys’ as they use similar designs of the flag.

The pompeblêden or seeblatts designs are also used in other closely related flags, including the flag of the historically Frisian Ommelanden in neighboring Groningen Province, and a proposed pan-Frisia flag put out by the Groep fan Auwerk.

2. Guam


The flag of Guam was established on February 9, 1948. Although at first, it may look like the flag of Guam could be printed on a tacky souvenir t-shirt, the logo on their flag represents a lot of things. The almond-shaped emblem in the middle of the flag represents the shape of the slingshot stones that are used by the island’s ancestors. While the picture in the emblem represents a proa sailing in the Agana Bay. And the red border depicts the blood that the country of Guam shed during World War 2 and Spanish sovereignty. The landform in the background represents the “Two Lovers Point”, which is a prominent cape and cliff in Guam.

3. Benin

Although this flag has no proper name and there is little information that is available about this flag, this is commonly known as the “Flag of Benin Empire” because this was found during the Benin Empire’s control of an empire that was situated in modern Nigeria. This flag became popular on the internet because of its unusual design that depicts a man beheading another man with a sword.

4. Swaziland

This flag was established in 1968 after Swaziland obtained independence from the UK. The flag is based on a military flag. The red color stands for the battles that Swaziland faced. The yellow color stands for the resources that Swaziland has and the blue color stands for stability and peace. The symbols in the flag represent a Nguni shield and two spears which depicts protection from the country’s enemies. The black and white color represents the co-existence of white and black people in Swaziland. With all its shapes and details, drawing this flag as homework for independence day must be exhausting.

5. Isle of Man

Isle of Man

Based on the Manx coat of arms, this flag was established in 1932. It has a triskelion with three armored legs that are joined at the thigh, bent at the knee and has golden spurs. It is unknown why the Isle of Man adopted this symbol from the Mycenaeans.

However, the transition from Crovan to the Scots kings’ Regime on the Isle of Man in 1265 may have had something to do with the Triskeles’ arrival in the 13th century. The triangular island of Sicily, which is well renowned for having this emblem, is where it first appears in proto-heraldry around the seventh century BC. The most ancient name for Sicily – which was then a Greek province, was “Trinacria,” which is Greek for “three-cornered” and refers to the island’s triangular form.

6. Antwerp

This flag is made up or 24 squares with four rows and six columns. It looks like a chess board in technicolor. This may be one of the challenging flags to re-create. We bet the children of Antwerp are always having a hard time creating.

Despite its unique characteristics, the flag symbolizes Antwerp’s rich history and status as an important cultural and economic center. It is widely recognized in both Belgium and internationally as an important part of the city’s cultural heritage and identity.

7. Kyrgyzstan

Although this flag may look like a tennis ball that eclipsed with the sun, it carries the symbols of cultural, political and regional meanings. The sun represents peace and prosperity while its 40 rays depict the number of tribes that are united by Manas to fight against the Mongols. The center, the one that looks like a tennis ball, illustrates the roof or tunduk on a traditional Kyrgyz tent.

8. Central African Republic

Officially introduced in 1958, the Central African Republic flag is consists of four horizontal stripes and a vertical stripe with a star in the upper left corner. Believe it or not, the colors of this flag represents another country. The colors blue and white represents France and the green and yellow represent Africa. This flag has too much color that if you see it waiving in the wind, it may actually trigger seizures.

9. Mozambique

This is included in the list because don’t you find it weird that they actually included an AK-47 in their flag as a sign of defense and vigilance? It is on top of an open book which represents the importance of education and a hoe that symbolizes Mozambique’s agriculture.

10. Nepal

This is the only national flag in the world that is not rectangular. Nepal’s flag is a combination of two pennants (also known as pennon or pendant). It used to have a sun, crescent moon, and human faces before 1962 but they were removed to modernize the design of the flag.

11. White Flag

The white flag is commonly known as the sign of ceasefire and a request for negotiation. When the other party waves the white flag, it means that they surrender maybe because they have weaker forces that the opponent. It is a known rule that the person who is carrying the white flag should not be fired upon and is not allowed to open fire.

The wrongful usage of the flag is prohibited by the laws of war and is considered a war crime of deceit. There have been many documented instances of this behavior throughout conflicts, such as when combatants used white flags as a deception to approach and assault enemy combatants or when combatants who were carrying white flags in an attempt to surrender were killed.

12. Black Flag

Since 1880, the black flag is commonly associated with anarchy. In fact, there are several anarchy periods that claim the “Black Flag.” If the white flag is the symbol of defeat and surrender, the black flag is a symbol of rebellion and defiance.

13. Transgender Flag

We all know that the rainbow flag represents the gay pride community. The transgender flag only has three colors, light pink which represents the girls, light blue which represents the boys and the white color in the middle which represents those who are neutral in gender or have no gender. It was created in 2000 and was first shown at a pride parade in Phoenix, Arizona.

Although numerous flags are used and supported by many transgender people, organizations, and communities – the transgender pride flag is used globally to symbolize transgender pride, diversity, rights, and/or commemoration.

14. Nazi Flag

Considered to be as one of the most controversial flags in history, this flag has been banned in a number of countries today. Adolf Hitler himself designed this flag. According to him, this flag’s design is meant to pay homage to the glorious past that brought honor to Germany.

The Nazi flag has a black swastika in the middle of a red background. The color design of the flag was meant to represent that the black swastika represents for race and nationalism. In contrast, red signifies the social ideology of the Nazi party. The flag is still widely decried and nonetheless serves as a potent emblem of hatred as it is considered as a symbol of oppression.

15. Libya

During 1977 to 2011, Libya’s flag only consisted of a green field. No symbols, design, or any other details. The green color is said to symbolize Islam and it was chosen by then Libya’s leader Muammar Gaddafi to symbolize his political philosophy.

These are some of the world’s most strange and unusual flags. Which of them do you find unusual and interesting?

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