Historical Crafts


What Secrets Does the Lipovans’ Fish Scale Embroidery Reveal About Russia’s Old Believers?

Within the rich and diverse landscape of Russian cultural heritage, the Lipovans hold a special place with their distinctive Fish Scale Embroidery. This unique...


How to Choose the Best Perfume for You

Selecting the perfect perfume can be a delightful yet daunting task. With a myriad of scents available, finding one that perfectly matches your personality,...

The FIFA Corruption Scandal

In 2015, charges against FIFA officials revealed widespread corruption within the sports organization, involving bribery, fraud, and money laundering. This scandal tarnished FIFA's reputation...

The Tangentopoli Scandal

The "Mani Pulite" ("Clean Hands") investigations in the early 1990s exposed the massive Tangentopoli ("Bribesville") scandal, starting with the 1992 arrest of Socialist Party...