

Back to Basics: House Financing Fundamentals For First-Time Home Buyers

In 2018 alone, more than 5.34 million homes sold to homebuyers across the country and for many of those buyers, it was their first time...

How to Get Good Health Insurance: Everything Millennials Need to Know

Being an adult is hard. And as the youngest of Millenials finally reach the threshold of adulthood, this fact is becoming more apparent to an entire generation....

4 Things You Should Consider When You Purchase A Life Insurance Policy For Family Members

Buying a life insurance policy from The Insurance Surgery for your family members is vital. It protects them and ensures that life goes on...

Why buying car insurance is important

Road safety has been a subtle, yet pressing issue in almost all parts of the world. We hear about stories upon stories of car...

Is Your Business Properly Covered?

From the very start of your journey when creating a business, there are some matters you should think about to ensure that your business...

5 Helpful Tips to Finding an Insurance Broker

Insurance is a reliable way of covering losses that may arise from the insured risks such as death, theft of property, or car accidents....


Sending Your Message to the Stars: How Forever In Space Makes It Possible

In a world where connectivity knows no bounds, Forever In Space introduces an innovative way to communicate and preserve messages beyond our earthly confines....

Who Were the Top 10 British Female-Fronted Bands of the 70s?

Exploring the music scene of the 1970s reveals an array of talented female-fronted bands from Britain. These groups left an historic mark on the...

10 British Bands of the 70s with the Best Live Performances

The 1970s music scene was a golden age for British rock music, with many bands delivering unforgettable live performances. Concerts during this era weren’t...