pop culture


Learn More About Devo, An Influential New Wave Band in the 80s

In the different decades of music history, few bands have stood out for their distinctive blend of sound and visual artistry, quite like Devo....

Introduction to Star Wars: A Galaxy Far, Far Away

One of the highest-grossing media franchises of all time, George Lucas' Star Wars is more than just a series of movies. It's an epic sci-fi saga...

How Did 80s Breakdancing and Street Dance Films Capture and Propel the Popularity of the Dance Movement?

In the vibrant and dynamic era of the 1980s, breakdancing emerged not just as a dance form but as a cultural phenomenon. Born on...

What Happened to the Drive-In Movie Theaters in the 80s?

Drive-in movie theaters, once a cornerstone of American leisure, characterized a unique era of cinematic experience. Flourishing in the post-World War II era, they...

Was MTV’s Original Music Video Era in the 80s the Defining Force in Shaping Pop Culture?

In August 1981, the launch of MTV revolutionized not just television but also the entire landscape of popular culture. This groundbreaking network, with its...

The Best Things from the 90s That Are Still Around Today

What a decade the 90s was! It was full of great transcontinental TV, music that was both broody and cheesy and some of the...

Exploring Some of the World’s Best Music Scenes and Festivals

If you’re a music buff you certainly keep tap on all the festivals and events related to music. With so many genres to explore,...

Selfies and Their Impact on Pop Culture

Today, the term "selfie" is widely known across all age groups. Kids recognize it, teens are very familiar with it, and even seniors have...

Little-Known Facts About Pop Culture in The 90s

When we remember the 90s, that life might seem a little like a dream. It was a simpler time, but one that was pretty...

Best Sports Moments of the 90s

The 1990s was a transformative decade in the realm of sports, marked by significant shifts and milestones. In basketball, Michael Jordan emerged as a...


Learn About the Strange and Unusual Aye-Aye

When thinking of unique creatures, the Aye-Aye of Madagascar certainly stands out because of its peculiar appearance and behaviors. But what exactly makes this...

What Were the First TV Shows Aired in Color?

Color television was one of the most exciting advancements in broadcasting during the mid-20th century. The Cisco Kid, which ran from 1950 to 1956, was...

Sending Your Message to the Stars: How Forever In Space Makes It Possible

In a world where connectivity knows no bounds, Forever In Space introduces an innovative way to communicate and preserve messages beyond our earthly confines....