The Basics of Restaurant Management


The multifaceted nature of restaurant management is the main reason restaurants require a certain level of expertise in management to yield positive results.

For it to be effective, certain aspects of restaurant management such as inventory, staff, public relations, and customer service must be taken care of appropriately. This means that for a restaurant to thrive and be successful, it needs a competent manager. The job of the manager usually involves handling complications from both customers and staff. Here are some basics that you must know in order to properly manage a restaurant.

Providing customer service

When it comes to customer service in a restaurant, the phrase “The customer is always right” has been used time and time again, for good reason. How restaurants handle customer complaints go a long way to determine if they can retain them. Here are a few tips you must know when dealing with customers:

  • Deal with all customer complaints effectively and professionally;
  • Ensure your staff puts in optimum effort by managing their job expectations;
  • Utilize modern advertisement tactics to gain more exposure;
  • Assess the restaurant’s progress by monitoring revenue and expenses;
  •  Determine the most effective way to boost sales. Either through entertainment, menu changes, special promotion, catering services etc.

Setting Job Expectations

Ensure you select the best candidate for every position in the restaurant, from the waiters to the kitchen staff. This will help your restaurant run smoothly. To do this, ensure you interview your candidates properly while also checking out any references they might have used. Also, you can place each new hire in a trial period to see how best they fit into their role.

Advertising your restaurant

There are many benefits of advertising. They not only put your restaurant out there for all to see, they give your restaurants a great image. One very vital way to do this is by keeping your customers happy, and relying on word-of-mouth for advertisement.

Monitoring cash flow

It is important you monitor the amount of cash coming in and going out of your restaurant regularly. Either weekly, monthly or yearly, understanding the finances of your restaurant helps you avoid unnecessary financial risk. Employing a Point of sale (POS) can help simplify the management of your restaurant day to day.

Expanding sales

To expand your sales, you first have to conduct a daily business review report. This will help you analyze sales trends, customer counts, payroll cuts etc. Then you will need to take inventory of your staff, equipment, food etc. to help you expand to catering large and small events.

When selecting your menu, you must bear in mind that the price of food can change at any time and that will affect the cost of running your business. Ensure you select a menu that will keep your restaurant affordable and yet profitable. You shouldn’t compromise on quality food for your customers, while keeping the menu interesting.

Go digitally

Now we’re in the digital age, it is important you take your restaurant digital, including its management. Utilizing a restaurant management software will maximize profit, improve customer experience, reduce costs etc. Utilizing a suitable software will improve the efficiency of management of your restaurant.

What is restaurant management software?

This refers to a program with features that help restaurants manage their day to day operations more effectively and at the same time, turn in more profit. A few of the most useful features include: restaurant POS software, restaurant online ordering, restaurant QR code software, etc.


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