The Countries With the Best Artistic Taste


Different countries have unique artistic tastes – it’s fascinating to explore the differences from country to country. Still, some countries always stand out as more of the unique and most impactful contributors to the art world.

Read on to learn about countries with the best artistic taste.


Art has been synonymous with Italy for centuries.

From Renaissance grandeur to modern designs, it’s undeniable that Italy has influenced the arts. Cities like Florence, Rome, and Venice house pieces by legends like Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, and more. It doesn’t get much better or more iconic than that. The country’s art stands out due to its attention to detail, vibrant colors, and profound themes.  They are known for their paintings that tell a story and engage the person viewing.

Italy is famous for its functional architecture and design. Globally, Italian furniture and fashion have become the epitome of modernity with their sleek lines. That’s why this country remains a powerhouse in art with its endeavors to preserve its cultural heritage in light of new developments.

Some cities in Italy are like an artistic time machine. Traveling through Italy (and you must try, at one point in your life, feels like entering a living museum, with every corner filled with beauty or history.


The Middle East region embodies cultural and historical fabrics that create an environment where different art forms thrive. It’s been a meeting point for civilizations that have given birth to an intricate yet diversified artistic legacy over time. Examples of traditional art include fine calligraphy work, Jewish Home Blessing, intricate geometric patterns, and highly symbolic architectural work.

It also matters that countries like Iran, Turkey, and Egypt still keep their traditions alive while promoting contemporary creativity. Many contemporary artists from the region integrate old customs into their work and add something new and modern. For example, Iranian painting features very beautiful miniatures, and Persian rugs are well-known thanks to their attractive styles.

This area’s architecture bears witness to its love for art too. Middle Eastern artwork thrives on grandeur, depicting buildings like the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi, the Alhambra in Spain, and the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul.


The Japanese taste in art fuses traditional and contemporary elements. It’s the same with most of Japan. Its art is rooted in its ancient background, with traces of Zen Buddhism, Shintoism, and Samurai culture. Often simple, elegant, and close to nature is how we’d perfectly describe Japan’s artistic sense. Traditional Japanese art forms like Ikebana (flower arranging), tea ceremony, and calligraphy underline mindfulness and aesthetics.

Contemporary art also borrows from Japanese culture. Modern architecture and interior design are inspired by minimalism expressed in traditional Japanese designs. Anime, synonymous with Japan globally, has a unique style of drawing pictures and telling stories unlike any other.

This conviction that cultural heritage must live side-by-side with new artistic expressions convinces us that Japan has an excellent taste for art. Zen Garden’s calm, high-tech Tokyo fashion, everything in Japan is art and inspiration. It’s stunning.

These countries are the epitome of artistic taste and history. Exploring these countries’ takes you through history, culture, and the endless creativity of the human spirit.

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