The Dos and Don’ts of DIY Pest Control


Whether we like it or not, pest control is a part of life that we deal with every day. Mice, bed bugs, ants, and cockroaches are incredibly common all over the world. That is why there is a myriad of pest control products available. You can find all kinds of traps, sprays like the most effective moth spray for clothes, and deterrents online and in hardware stores.

However, pest control is more complicated than it seems. Every pest has its own set of characteristics and recommended process of extermination. There is a lot to learn. If you’re trying to get rid of pests yourself, keep the following dos and don’ts in mind. If you need help, contact Pest control Peterborough or another professional near you.

Do be proactive

Many pest problems happen for a reason. Take preventative measures to avoid an infestation or keep one from getting out of control. Keep the house clean and store food in sealed containers. Use securely lidded garbage cans and maintain the yard. You should also be weary of used furniture and luggage – these can be infested with bed bugs.

Don’t wait too long

Cockroaches, rodents, and bed bugs are notorious for getting out of control. Many pests breed very quickly, so while your current problem may not seem like a big deal now, it will be in a few weeks. Tackle the issue right away.

Do research the pest first

The first thing you should do when facing a pest problem is to identify the pest. Look up the pest you think you are dealing with and its common signs. Then, find out its recommended treatment and what is allowed in your area. Some pests are best left to the pros.

Don’t mix pest control products

If you’ve hired a pest control expert before, you might remember them asking you not to use additional pest control products. This is because it interferes with the process. Different products have different effects and mixing them up may cause more harm than good. Mixing chemicals can also be quite dangerous for your health. So, one thing at a time.

Do seal entry points

Sealing entry points is the key to a successful extermination. Put floor sweeps on your doors, fix holes in your window frames, and seal cracks in the foundation to keep pests out. Make sure that your window screens are in good condition and stuff the holes around your pipes and cables with expanding foam.

Don’t leave food out


Instead of eating bait, the pests in your home will feed on the pet food, dirty dishes, and crumbs you leave lying around the house. Deep clean your home at the beginning of your treatment, then continue to maintain it to encourage the pests to consume bait.

Do talk to your neighbors

If there are rats in your yard, you can bet there are rats in your neighbor’s yard. Most pest problems happen in one place, then spread to the next. Don’t be afraid to let your neighbors know about your problems and ask them if they have been struggling with the same thing. Working together, you can help each other put an end to this widespread problem.

Don’t use outdoor products indoors and vice versa

Snap traps should never be used outside because they risk hurting the animals in your neighborhood, like housecats, chipmunks, or birds. Likewise, rodenticide for rats should only be used outside, within the proper container. Using rodenticide indoors will result in rat carcasses between the walls, which will smell awful for weeks.

Do call a professional when you need help

Call a professional as soon as you feel like the problem is getting out of hand. Pest control technicians might cost a little money, but their solutions are quick and efficient. They can get rid of the pests quickly and provide you with some professional advice. Many pest control companies offer pest-proofing, too, to help keep pests out for good.

Don’t touch the pests or get in their way

Rodents and cockroaches are dirty animals with the potential to carry disease. Larger animals, like squirrels, raccoons, and skunks, may scratch or bite you if you get too close. Make safety your first priority. Keep your distance and you disinfect everything the pests have touched. Spray pests with disinfectant before throwing them out.

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