The Fundamentals of Baseball


Getting to the basics

Baseball, as we all know, is America’s national sport and pastime. But those who have watched baseball for the first time may be confused with the way the game is played. The fundamentals of baseball are of the utmost importance to those who want to play the game. The basics of baseball are what make up the building blocks of this popular sport.


Whether you’ve seen baseball players on television or in person, for you and many other people, hitting is the essence of baseball. This is one aspect that draws many people, especially the young baseball players, to the game. In order to be a consistent batter, he must establish a stable, solid, and balanced stance in the batter’s box. If a batter is right-handed, he should stand in the batter’s box with his left shoulder forward; if the batter is left-handed, with his right shoulder forward.  A firm grip on the bat includes holding it with the fingers and not the palm of the hand. To get a better grip on the bat, it’s a good idea to use a batting glove from this list of the best batting gloves.

A hitter should hold the bat over the shoulder, with his knees bent and with rest of his body weight rested on his back leg. The batter must begin with a strong, level rotation of his hips as this will pull the knob to the ball. The bat should also maintain a level to slightly upward swing thru the hitting zone. Right timing is important in order for the bat to make contact with the ball.


Getting your body squarely in front of the ball is the core of good field positioning. When the ball arrives in the field below the fielder’s waist level, the glove fingers should touch the ground. When the ball comes in at above waist level or higher, the fingers of the glove should point skyward. Your gloved fingers should be in a position where the ball will land and within your reach. Quickness, alertness, and good hustle should be used when fielding a ball.


You must grip the ball with your dominant hand, with just the right pressure, with two fingers on top of the ball and the edge of your thumb underneath the ball. Raise the ball up to ear level. Bring your opposite foot to take a step forward; the back foot will take the rest of your body weight. Rotation should start with a strong, level rotation of the hips as well as the trunk. When you are about to release the ball, your arm and shoulder should be aligned to one another. Bring your front leg forward to complete your throw.

Base running

A good base runner doesn’t exactly have to be a speedy runner, but a good base runner should also understand how to run the bases. A base runners’ goal is to reach the inside corner of the base then make a quick turn to run at the next bases. This will guarantee the shortest distance made between bases. A good base runner must also be aware of the circumstances of the game — for instance, whether his team is leading or behind, or the skills of his opponents such as whether they have a strong outfielder, or the skill level of their rookie teammate.

What makes a good player?

A good baseball player is someone who knows the basics of the game – whether he can hit, throw, field, or run. These skills will make a player a valuable asset to his team. The best idea would be to go watch the players live in the stadium, such as when Altoona curve plays, so you can better understand their moves. An all-around and versatile player can positively influence the outcome of the game in a variety of ways, much more than a baseball player who has strengths that are focused on one particular area but is weak on others.


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