The History of Online Gambling and Internet Casinos


The internet is probably one of the best innovations in human history. It’s because it has brought us instant access to information, entertainment, and lots of opportunities to earn money. With this, it has undoubtedly changed the way we live our lives. And one of the areas of society that has benefited tremendously from the internet is the world of online gambling. In fact, it has been at the forefront of the latest advances in virtual technology.

If you want to play casino games but you do not have time to drive to a land-based casino, or there’s no casino near your place, you can always opt to play online. When you search the web, you will find lots of sites that offer fun casino games, just like those offered by betamo. And what’s best is that you can enjoy these games wherever you are, as long as you have an internet connection.

If you’ve been playing online casino games for quite a while now, have you ever wondered how it started? If you want to know, then you’re in the right place. Today, we are going to tell you all about the history of online gambling and internet casinos.

History of Online Gambling and Casinos

Online gambling is any kind of gambling done on the internet. It can include virtual poker, slots, and sports betting, to name a few. The first online gambling websites were launched in the mid-1990s. But these were a long way from the top platforms that we have today. The Free Trade & Processing Act was passed by Antigua and Barbuda in 1994. This act allowed licenses to be granted to organizations applying to open online casinos.

However, before online casinos were created, there was a fully functional gambling software that was developed by Microgaming, which is an Isle of Man-based software company. This software was secured with software that was made by CryptoLogic, which is an online security software company. With this, safe transactions became feasible, leading to the first online casinos in 1994.

In fact, even today, Microgaming is still one of the most trusted software providers when it comes to the internet gaming industry. They can support all types of online gaming sites, from casinos to poker rooms.

In 1995, CryptoLogic launched InterCasino. It is one of the oldest online casinos that still function today, and it is the very first one to offer gamblers the chance to bet real money. They revolutionized the way cash transactions work online, making the process faster and safer for gamblers. This is the reason why they are also very popular in the online casino industry, along with Microgaming.

In 1996, another major development in the history of online gambling came when the Kahnawake Gaming Commission was formed. It was established with the aim of issue gaming licenses and was owned and operated by a Mohawk Indian Tribe based in Canada. Its formation coincided with the appearance of the first online gambling sites, debating which site came first. Based on some sources, InterCasino was the first virtual platform. However, according to others, Microgaming’s offering came first.

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The Popularization of Online Casino Sites

Following the birth of the commission, the online gaming industry saw huge growth. It did not take long after the launch of the first casinos for people to realize their huge potential. In fact, by the end of the year 1996, there were about 15 internet gambling sites in operation. And by the end of 1997, the online gambling industry exploded, and there were over 200 online casinos, sportsbooks, and poker sites available all over the world, with yearly profits approaching $1 billion.

In no time, online casino sites became very popular among players as they offered a new and exciting way to enjoy casino games. Numerous online casinos emerged, and the field became very competitive. Each operator or website strove to be the best and to offer the greatest number of titles and the largest variety of game types.

However, during those times, computer technologies were a big limiting factor. Therefore, online gambling companies needed to think outside the box to be able to attract people to choose what they are offering. As a result, these online gambling companies came up with different schemes in order to entice more customers. This is how welcome bonuses started.

Also, because of the heavy competition, the quality of the games and software also skyrocketed. There were more features being introduced, and soon enough, online gambling was a craze. There are now multiplayer games themes slots, and progressive jackpots, making online casinos more appealing to people. And since then, high quality and innovation remained two of the main goals of developers and providers to be able to get more customers.

The Rise of Live Dealer Games

As time passed by and as technologies improved, the overall experience of online gamblers also becomes better and better. The graphics and sounds of the games were of much higher quality, and they also become more realistic. However, there are still some, especially hardcore gamblers, who prefer the old ways of playing at a traditional land-based casino. But this changed with the rise of the live dealer games.

The modern technologies today enable players to watch live streams while playing. This gives people a genuine casino atmosphere that most of them miss when playing online. Today, many gamblers prefer live dealer games over RNG ones.

The Emergence of Mobile Casinos

Before becoming the widespread phenomenon that we know today, another milestone was reached by the online gambling industry, and that is the emergence of mobile casinos. When mobile devices became popular, it was necessary for online casinos to adapt. In the present time, smartphones and tablets are also being used to play online casino games. Reputable online casinos have invested lots of time, effort, and money into making their games mobile-friendly. They created versions that are optimized to run on any recently released smartphone or tablet, and as well as on modern-day computers.

Today, online casinos are a major part of the gambling scene, and they have lots of benefits that are too many to ignore. In the future, there would probably be more additions to the features and offerings of online casinos.

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