The Largest Artwork in the World


There are many great artworks in the world like the Mona Lisa, David and Pieta, and Starry Night. These paintings are lovely to look at, but don’t you think they are a bit small? Da Vinci, Van Gogh and Michaelangelo’s paintings are wonderful, but wait until you see these large scaled work of arts that will leave you astounded.

Horn of Plenty

Done by Arno Coenen in 2014, the Horn of Plenty or also known as “Sistine Chapel of Rotterdam” covered 36,000 square feet of the De Markthal indoor market. Arno Coenen said that his art will make you feel like you are an insect standing underneath. His artwork features vibrant and stunning images of animal and plant life. Horn of Plenty is a combination of product photography, Nuke software and animation. Coenen teamed up with no other than Pixar studios to help him in creating an immensely large image sharp enough to be displayed in the 36,000 square feet ceiling. This artwork has been constructed like a jigsaw puzzle with 4,000 tiles. During night time, people can see an enormous moon in the middle of the ceiling.

The Big Picture

Created by Australian artist popularly known as Ando, this is allegedly the world’s largest acrylic painting on canvass that was painted by a single person. The Big Picture measures about 100 x 2 meters and has a panoramic curve as part of the art’s installation. 300 tons of red dirt was laid in front of the picture to be able to blend in between the 3D and 2D lines.

Fiori Di Como

Fiori Di Como was done by Dale Chihuly and it can be found hanging above the lobby of Las Vegas’ Bellagio Casino. This 2,000 square feet spectacular, vibrant and colorful glass sculpture is composed of 2,000 hand-blown glass blossoms with different shapes, sizes, and colors.

The World’s Largest Carpet

We know that this maybe the black sheep on this list but this is really a work of art. This carpet lays in the Shikh Zayed Mosque in Abu Dhabi and was designed by an Iranian artist named Ali Khaliqi. This carper measures about 60,750 square feet and was made by 1,300 carpet knotters. This humongous carpet has a staggering 2,268,000,000 knots and weighs 35 tons.

Reebok’s 3D Street Art

This street art was done in 2011 by sports equipment manufacturer Rebook. They commissioned a piece of street art to be a part of Guinness World Records Day. Well known 3D street artist Joe and Max formed the waterfall themed art. The piece of art measured 1,160.4 square meters and was cleaned off after a couple of days after its completion.

Reflections From Earth

Created by Tom Van Sant in 1981, the Reflections from Earth might be the biggest artwork yet because it could be seen from space. Tom Van Sant used 90 mirrors that is 200 yards apart to reflect the sunlight up to an orbiting satellite which captured the image from Earth. Van Sant coordinated with NASA to capture this stunning work of art. The 24 inches square mirrors reflected light that appeared to be an eye shaped reflection that can be seen in outer space.

Mundi Man

Ando, yes the artist from Australia who painted the Big Picture, made this extraordinary art. This time he decided to cover an enormous four million square meters of land. He “painted” Mundi Man on the landscape of New South Wales. There is no clear explanation on how he did this ginormous art. This art was so big, that the smile on the Mundi Man’s face is as big as the Empire State Building.

Surrounded Islands

Created in 1983 by Christo and Jeanne-Claude, the Surrounded Islands is a large piece of art that involves eleven Miami islands that are surrounded by 603,870 square meters of floating pink plastic.

Largest Spray Mural

Done by Brazilian street artists who was led by Eduardo Kobra, they created this 51 feet high, 560 feet wide mural in 45 days using acrylic and spray paints for the 2016 Rio Olympics. This artwork shoes five different faces of indigenous peoples. Eduardo and his team used 180 buckets of acrylic paint and 2,800 cans of spray paint.

Largest Chalk Pavement Art

In August 2015, Emil Klem led an effort to create one giant work of chalk art on Copenhagen’s bust Northbridge street. To her surprise, 25,000 people showed up and participated in creating this giant art. The result was a 1,420 yards and 200,180 square feet of  giant arrows filled with drawings of various designs.

Largest Anamorphic Pavement Art

Chinese artist Yang Yongchun set the record on October 2016 for the largest and longest pavement murals. He made a 1,285 feet long mural in the course of six weeks. This enormous pavement mural has become a tourist attraction in Lijiang, China.

Largest Cardboard Sculpture

This castle made out of cardboard spans up to 33.32 feet by 33.255 feet and was mounted in Kowloon, Hong Kong in April 2016 to honor the opening of Hong Kong’s D-Park Mall.

Largest Painting Made by Footprints

Created at Hong Kong in November 2016, this painting measuring over 25,300 square feet involved more than 900 people’s feet. This is created by the employees of DBS Bank Limited in the course of one month.

Longest Painting

Made by 20,000 students in Dubai, this 35,000 feet painting was a result of an eight month campaign to increase awareness about autism.

Largest Paper Sculpture

Constructed by the students of Greater Peterborough University Technical College, this 11.6 foot tall pyramid sculpture is made from paper and took two days to build.

These are the largest artworks in the world. Some of them might be created by one person but most of them are the results of teamwork and perseverance. Big and beautiful things might take time to make, but the results will be astonishing. These artworks are the living proof that great things takes effort and time.


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