The Most Famous Gamblers of the World


The gambling world is popular for many famous players. They marked the history with their gambling activity and now we can remember them in our stories. Some of them are well-known as  winners while the other became famous for regular losses. However, they are all the part of gambling activity we talk about. In the next text, you can find some well-known gaming names at

Archie Karas

One of the biggest casino legends was a Greek-American player Archie Karas. He became popular for winning and losing the huge amounts of money. In the period from 1992 to 1995, Karas achieved to earn more than $40 million. He made the longest winning streak in the history with only $50 wager. Starting from 1995, he lost a lot of money but still remained popular player.

Archie Karras comes from Greece where he lived by the age of 15. He ran away from Greece and moved to America to work in a restaurant. Next to the restaurant, it was the pool hall where he used to play poker. Soon Archie became skilled player and moved to Las Vegas where he lives today.

Nick Dandolos

Another gambler coming from Greece was Nick Dandolos. This man was born in 1883 in a wealthy family. He moved to Chicago where he lived with family money. As soon as he moved in Montreal, Nick started with gambling activity. Nick chose to play on horse racing competitions which brought him a significant amount of money. He passed various winning and losing phases and became popular as one of the stubborn players.

Kerry Packer

The next passionate gambler on the list is Kerry Packer. He comes from Australia and we remember him for many reasons. First of all, Kerry was a well-known businessman. He was a creator of World Series Cricket and a passionate gambler on horse racing competitions. He used to gamble on the largest possible stakes and became popular as high-roller player. Packer was an honored visitor of Las Vegas casinos where he marked some significant winnings. This man died in 2005 and we regularly recall his professionality and success.

Brian Molony

Brian Molony entered the gambling world with great malversation. He stole $10 million from employees in Canadian Imperial Bank and spent it to regular visits to casinos in Atlantic City. Brian was arrested for his cheating activity in 1982 but we still remember his creative ideas to embezzle his employees. Just the day before the capture, Brain marked $1 million loss at the casino. He spent more than two years in prison.

Wild Bill Hickok

Hickok was not only a famous gambler but also popular gunfighter. He used to play poker and became a member of Poker Hall of fame. One day in 1876 Hickok was playing poker with his back to the salon door. The man called McCall killed him with a shot in the head. It is still a puzzle why McCall killed Hickok. However, there are the stories about potential grudge as McCall lost from him.


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