The Mysteries of the Antikythera Mechanism, Ancient Greece’s Astronomical Computer


The Antikythera Mechanism, often hailed as the world’s first analog computer, remains one of the most fascinating and enigmatic artifacts from ancient Greece. Discovered in 1901 among the ruins of a shipwreck off the coast of the small Greek island of Antikythera, this complex device has captivated historians, scientists, and technology enthusiasts alike. Dated to around 100 BCE, it’s a testament to the remarkable ingenuity and astronomical knowledge of the ancient Greeks. 

Composed of a series of intricate gears and dials, the mechanism was used to predict specific astronomical positions and eclipses for calendrical and astrological purposes. Its discovery challenged our understanding of ancient technology, revealing a level of sophistication previously thought impossible for the period. This article delves into the history, discovery, and ongoing research surrounding the Antikythera Mechanism, offering a glimpse into the advanced technological capabilities of ancient civilizations.

What is the Antikythera Mechanism?


At its core, the Antikythera Mechanism is an astonishingly advanced astronomical calculator from antiquity, far surpassing the technological capabilities previously attributed to the ancient Greeks. This sophisticated device, often described as the world’s first known analog computer, comprises over 30 intricate bronze gears encased in a wooden box roughly the size of a large book.

Design and Functionality

The mechanism’s design is a marvel of engineering. The gears, meticulously crafted with teeth of varying sizes and shapes, interlock in a complex arrangement. When turned by a hand crank, these gears move in harmony to model the motions of celestial bodies. The main front dial displays the Greek zodiac and an Egyptian calendar, while additional dials showcase the lunar calendar, predict eclipses, and even track the cycles of the Olympic Games.

What truly sets the Antikythera Mechanism apart is its ability to replicate the irregular movements of the Moon, following its elliptical orbit around the Earth, a feat that illustrates a deep understanding of differential gearing. This indicates that ancient Greek scientists had grasped key astronomical concepts, including the realization that celestial bodies moved in an elliptical, rather than circular, orbit.

Discovery and Reconstruction

The device first came to light in 1901, retrieved from an ancient shipwreck near the island of Antikythera. Initially, its purpose was a mystery, cloaked in a crust of corrosion and sediment. It wasn’t until decades later, with the advent of modern imaging techniques like X-ray tomography and 3D scanning, that researchers began to unlock its secrets.

Modern reconstructions and computational models have allowed scientists to simulate the mechanism’s functions, revealing the genius of its creators. The Antikythera Mechanism not only highlights the technological prowess of the ancient Greeks but also serves as a window into their understanding of the cosmos.

The Antikythera Mechanism is a testament to the advanced astronomical knowledge and mechanical skills of its creators. Its discovery has significantly altered our perception of technological development in ancient times, underscoring a sophistication in design and understanding that was previously thought to belong to a much later period in human history. For other mysterious items, locations, and discoveries, you can read our article, The Most Mysterious Archeological Discoveries.

Who Created the Antikythera Mechanism?

steel gears

The creation of the Antikythera Mechanism, a device that epitomizes the zenith of ancient Greek engineering and astronomy, is shrouded in mystery. While the exact identity of its creators remains unknown, research and historical deductions point towards a circle of Hellenistic scientists and craftsmen, possibly connected to renowned figures like Archimedes, Hipparchus, or the school of Posidonius.

  • Archimedes Connection: Some scholars speculate that the mechanism could be linked to Archimedes, the famed ancient Greek mathematician, engineer, and astronomer. Although he lived a century earlier than the estimated creation date of the mechanism, his known works in mechanics and his invention of devices such as the screw pump suggest that he or his students could have had the required knowledge and skills.
  • Hipparchus’ Influence: The accuracy with which the mechanism predicts lunar and solar eclipses hints at the involvement of Hipparchus, often considered the father of trigonometry. Hipparchus was renowned for his work in astronomy, particularly his discovery of the precession of the equinoxes and his development of a lunar theory, which might have influenced the mechanism’s design. Lunar theory is the branch of astronomy that deals with the prediction of the motions and phases of the Moon based on its gravitational interactions with the Earth and the Sun.
  • The School of Posidonius: Another possibility is that the creators were associated with the School of Posidonius on Rhodes, a center of astronomy and mechanical engineering during the Hellenistic period. The island’s proximity to the shipwreck site where the mechanism is discovered and its reputation as a hub of scientific thought make this a compelling theory. The school was founded by Posidonius, an ancient Greek philosopher, astronomer, and geographer known for his contributions to Stoic philosophy and for advancing various scientific fields in the Hellenistic period.

Technological Context

The Antikythera Mechanism’s complexity suggests that its creation was not an isolated event but rather the culmination of generations of knowledge in astronomy, mathematics, and metalwork. The device incorporates theories and techniques that would have been known to Hellenistic scientists, indicating that its creator(s) were not only skilled craftsmen but also well-versed in the scientific knowledge of their time.

A Lost Legacy

The lack of similar artifacts from this period raises questions about the breadth and transmission of this technology. It’s possible that other devices like the Antikythera Mechanism existed but were lost over time or remain undiscovered. This artifact stands as a solitary witness to a potentially broader tradition of ancient scientific and mechanical ingenuity.

While the exact identity of the Antikythera Mechanism’s creators remains a topic of debate, it is clear that they were part of a sophisticated tradition of Hellenistic science and engineering. Their ability to integrate complex astronomical knowledge with precise mechanical skills in the creation of this device speaks volumes about the advanced level of technical and scientific understanding in ancient Greece.


This intricate device not only unravels the sophistication of early astronomical and engineering knowledge but also serves as a poignant reminder of the vast potential of human curiosity and innovation. Its discovery continues to inspire modern science, bridging the gap between the ancient and modern worlds and inviting us to reconsider the depths of our ancestral knowledge. As research and exploration of this astonishing artifact progress, the Antikythera Mechanism remains a symbol of the enduring legacy of ancient civilizations and their contributions to our collective journey of discovery.

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