The Process Of Installing A New Roof


Setting up a new roof is a huge job, however, it can be made easy for you. In this article Roofer in CT will go more into details. Here’s how the procedure works, in order:

First: Guarding your house and landscape

Second: Remove your old roofing

Third: Analyze your deck

Fourth: Prepare the new roofing

Fifth: Installing your brand-new materials

Sixth: Clean-up

When our clients come to us for roofing setup, we ensure they understand what to expect. Your roofing inspector and your crew will discuss every step of the process to you, however here’s a fast run-down.

Guarding your house and landscape

Our primary goal is to protect your windows, siding, landscaping and the other features of your home. We may advise you to bring potted all plants indoors, move lawn furnishings and park your car on the street throughout the construction to keep them safe. Our roof team will likewise take precautionary measures to safeguard anything that won’t move, like your home itself that could be damaged by falling debris.

Remove your old roofing 

We’ll remove all your old shingles so we can inspect the wood decking underneath them. Our team will carefully get rid of everything that’s harmed, also. Often times we’d find mold build up, which is required to be removed before we can move forward on the project.

Analyze your deck 

In order to install your brand new roof, we make sure we can guarantee that the wood decking is strong and in good shape. We’ll check every inch of it to try to find soft, decayed or wet wood, and if we discover any, we’ll change it. We’ve gotten a lot of great feedback from prior homeowners that this thorough check saved them a ton of money.

Prepare the new roofing 

When the decking is ready to go, we’ll set up drip edges to prevent rain from entering your new roofing products. We’ll also install the underlayment, which assists making sure ice and water will not damage the wood decking in the future, and roofing felt to prevent the shingles from sticking to the wood.

Installing your brand-new materials 

The next phase of the task is when you’ll truly start seeing your brand new roofing taking shape– it’s when we install your brand new roof. Whether you’ve chosen shingles or another item like metal, this is the part of roof installation that you’ll like the most. We work from the bottom up and create a whole new look for your house. Your house will look like it went the beauty salon.


We get rid of the mess we left behind. We’ll discard all your old roof materials and scour the area for nails and other debris– the natural byproducts of a brand new roofing installation. We’re not happy until you’re more than happy, so it’s our mission to clean up constantly.

Once it’s all stated and done, we’ll carry out a post-installation examination. We’ll return over every inch of your roof and make certain it’s done effectively, and we’ll be there to answer your concerns if any, explain your new roofing’s features, and stroll you through the upkeep steps you’ll need to take in the future.

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