The Strangest Things Found on Earth


It’s amazing how archaeologists find lots of things on Earth which gives us understandings about how our ancient ancestors in the past civilizations lived, as well as to what kind of creatures used to roam around here. However, there are some artifacts found which are unexplainable and no one can tell what they are and where they came from. Here are some of the strangest things found on Earth.

The Voynich Manuscript

A lot of ancient books have been discovered in the history of the world but the Voynich Manuscript is different from them. This book is believed to be written in the 1400s in Northern Italy, but no one knows what it’s all about. Most of its pages contain some kinds of diagrams and illustrations. Though there are many experts who tried to decode it, the writing system it contains remained unidentified.

The Longyou Grottoes

The grottoes are hidden in the caves of Longyou County in Zhejiang Province, China. It could be thousands of years old, however, its origins are still a mystery. The grottoes are big and the handmade caves have high ceilings which are about a hundred feet high. Based on some research made by archaeologists and scientists, they believed the grottoes were created before 200 BCE but there is no proof yet.

Roman Dodecahedrons

About a hundred of these items are found throughout Europe back to the second or third centuries. Despite being found lots of years ago, no one knows what these things are for. They are small, dodecahedral-shaped hollow items which are made of bronze. Some say it could’ve been used as dice or surveying instruments, but those are just mere speculations. If you want to know more about these strange objects, you can read our article, Discover the Mysteries of the Roman Dodecahedron.

The Mount Owen Moa Claw

This is among the most shocking one to see in this list. The Mount Owen Moa Claw looks like a dinosaur hand but it was still in a good condition. However, researchers found out that it came from a distinct giant bird called Moa which became extinct in 1500.

Gobekli Tepe

Back in 1966, a team of German archeologists worked on a mountain ridge in the southern part of Turkey. Their work took 20 years because they aimed to uncover anything that might be laying underneath and that leads them to a bizarre discovery. They uncovered the Gobekli Tepe, which consists of a total of 200 unearthed pillars in 20 different circles. They tried to discover the purpose of the structure they found but they failed to find an answer. They’ve only come up with a theory that this structure used to be sanctuaries back to the Neolithic era.

The Shroud of Turin

This item is a famous and mysterious piece of linen. It bears the image of a man, though it’s hard to see it with a naked eye. Some say that this linen might have been laid on Jesus when he was buried. However, carbon dating puts this item back to the Middle Ages only, that’s why many are doubtful about the results.

Unfinished Obelisk

An obelisk is a stone pillar which has a square or rectangular cross-section and a pyramidal top. It is usually set up as a monument or a landmark. The oldest obelisk that has been discovered was unfinished. It was discovered in 2005 in Northern Egypt. It is thirty-three percent larger than other obelisks that can be found in the region. But no one knows why it wasn’t finished. It looks like the workers abandoned it to be buried under the Earth and for future generations to find.

Sumerian King List

During the twentieth century, a stone tablet was discovered. It included information of every king of the Sumer empire, which is known today as Iraq. Written on the stone are their names, the length of their reign, and their location. What’s strange about it is there are mythical ones mixed with real leaders, and some listed are those who’ve reigned for thousands of years.

Stone Age Tunnels

A group of archeologists discovered thousands of connecting tunnels throughout Europe back in June 2013. These tunnels extended from Scotland to Turkey. These tunnels were much smaller. They date back to 12,000 BCE and originated under thousands of Neolithic settlements. There were also speculations on why these tunnels were built such as to ease travel during storms and a way to hide from predators.

The London Hammer

The London Hammer was discovered in the mid-1930s by a man named Max Hahn when he and his wife Emma were out on a walk. It appeared to be a wood sticking out from a rock which turned out to be a hammer. They brought it to historians and they found out that the rock dated back over 400 million years ago, before tools like the hammer was believed to be around.

The Gate of the Sun

The Gate of the Sun was discovered by explorers from Europe in Bolivia near Lake Titicaca during the mid-1800s. It was found lying on its side with one solid piece of stone which weighs twenty thousand pounds. It is ten feet tall and twelve feet wide. There are also lots of unidentifiable engravings on the gate. These led to different interpretations of its origins and use. Some experts believe the gate was used as a calendar in ancient times. Others say it has something to do with space and aliens.

The Antikythera Mechanism

The Antikythera mechanism is believed to be the remnants of the first ever mechanical computer. It was found under 45 meters of water and it dates back to ancient Greece. The complex structure of the item is far beyond what people believed was possible to be found in ancient Greece.

L’Anse aux Meadows

This strange discovery is in the northernmost point of Newfoundland, Canada. It was discovered by a fisherman in 1960 and was believed to be have been settled by the Vikings because the area, as well as its artifacts, dates back to the end of the first millennium in the Common Era. Some excavations were done to carry out some homes underneath the hills. What’s strange about this discovery according to Historians is, there were no settlers in the far north in Newfoundland because the only real way to get to that place was by boat.

The Peri Reis Map

In the late 1920s, a genuine map written by a famous admiral in the Turkish Navy named Peri Reis in 1915 was discovered by a group of historians. It is mysterious because the self-drawn map shows almost all the continents in the world, including Antarctica, which was not even believed to be discovered at that time.


The Saksaywaman is located on a hill overlooking the city of Cusco, Peru. It is believed to be used as a settlement for over a thousand years ago. Some researchers also believe that it took over a century to complete the structures because they feature a variety of stones and designs, compared to other structures which only feature a single stone pattern.  Archeologists believe the complex was built as a stronghold to watch over the city, while others say it was a form of communication-based on the angles of the walls.

The Ubaid Lizardmen

The Ubaid Lizardmen were figurines found in the Middle East. They depict various reptilian creatures which date back around 7000 years. They have different poses and have been discovered all across Iraq. Historians don’t have any idea on what these figurines represent but they all look like strange alien creatures.


Mohenjo-daro is located in Pakistan. It was believed to have been built in 2500 BCE as part of the Indus Valley Civilization. Archaeologists worked hard to uncover the city, as well as its story but the excavations, were stopped. It was because the city became extremely damaged due to erosion. This is why they were unable to know the story behind it.

The Codex Gigas

The Codex Gigas is known to be the Devil’s Bible. It is one of the biggest books of all time which is 9 inches thick and weighs 165 pounds. It has a page where there is a colored image of a devil which is one of the creepiest pages of a book in history.

The Rongorongo Tablets

These tablets were found in the Easter Island which is famous for its large heads. Explorers were unable to interpret what these tablets are for. Some say it might be the last remnants of the Rongorongo language in history, but no one really knows.

The Quimbaya Airplanes

Some of the most famous artifacts found in Colombia are the Quimbaya artifacts which are dozens of little gold figurines. The weird thing about these is that they are mini airplanes. Some believe that these figurines are proof that the Quimbaya tribe had mastered flight or they at least knew how it was done.

These items are just a few of the many strange things that have been discovered on Earth. And it’s possible to find more things like these. These unexplainable discoveries somehow help us expand our perspectives about the world. If you were to discover a bizarre thing, what would you do with it?

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