The Top 4 Most Frequently Asked Questions About A Spray In Bedliner


It is tempting to do your own handiwork, especially in domestic and automotive cases. But just as it is dangerous to attempt unprofessional repair or installation for plumbing, electrical wiring, and HVAC needs, the same can be said with doing your own bedliner on the back of your pick-up truck. You will lose both money and time on top of that.

That is why it is essential to ask questions before venturing into any sort of solo attempt. According to the CDC (check it out), spray-ins can exacerbate pre-existing conditions like asthma if exposed to the chemicals found in bedliners. They provide proper precautionary protocols and heavily discourage doing do-it-yourself sessions, claiming professional handling can help prevent this incident and increase efficiency.

What Is a Bedliner?

A bedliner is defined as material placed on top of a surface, typically the back of a pick-up truck. People use it for two things: protection and keeping cargo from slipping off the vehicle. Other than that, aesthetics, added durability, and requirements are some minor reasons.

Types of Bedliners

1. Bed Mats

The least expensive of the bunch is bed mats. These mats can be likened to rubber mats, albeit either universally or cut custom fitted for your truck. Its undersides are ridged to let water drain quickly, but it still needs frequent cleaning to avoid any bacteria reservoir in damp areas.

It is great for grip and protection, but the downside is its coverage around your truck. While other bedliners cover even the sidewalls and tailgate, bed mats live up to their name: they are just on the floor and only provide protection there.

2. Bed Rugs

Bed Rugs

Though closely similar to bed mats, bed rugs have their differences as well. Because it is made from the same polypropylene material as its counterpart, bed rugs are great for protection. This type has foam backing to cushion heavy impacts, though. What is more, unlike mats, rugs have a color choice, which you can take advantage of to match your car’s color.

3. Drop-in Bedliners

Drop-in bedliners are a cross of mats and rugs—it provides protection and cushions, though this time includes the sidewalls and tailgate. These liners are easy to install, remove, or replace and are mostly custom-fit for your truck. There are universally fitted ones, though, for a temporary solution if you are willing to invest more in the future.

These liners are made from durable plastic, which is bolted onto the bed. One disadvantage of this is chaffing, though, as long-term use can eventually scrape off the original paint underneath it. Though it prevents dents and scratches, it can also cause what it was made to protect your truck from.

4. Spray-in Bedliners

Considered the most expensive, spray-in bed liners are the most durable and convenient bedliner available on the market. This can last you for several years, given that your spray in bedliner product is of high quality. You can only find those in reputable, highly rated companies.

This type needs a professional’s hand to install it. It uses a spray gun where the expert places even coats of the material all over the truck’s back, much like paint. Though it can assure a scratch-free surface, the same cannot be said with heavy cargo impacts.

Top 6 FAQs Of Spray-in Bedliners

#1: Do Spray-in Bedliners Last Long?

Your liner can last a long time if installed correctly. This means they have to be done by an expert, licensed professional, using high-end products, on a properly prepped surface. Otherwise, if you decide to DIY, it will not last you as long as you expected. By over a year, you can already wear and tears, wasting money, time, and effort on your part.

This liner type is made from 100% polyurethanes, a chemical widely used in various fields such as automotive, building and constructions, apparel, and electronics. Because of its flexibility, it is a commonly used material for even the most essential appliances like refrigerators, mainly for insulation. Other than that, it is utilized extensively, from cables to sportswear. Know more about this in this link

#2: Is Spray-in Bedliners Expensive?

Though this type is considered the most expensive, it is not costly enough to be considered a lux option. This liner can only become expensive when you attempt to apply it yourself. Since it will fade faster, you will end up paying a professional on top of your DIY attempt, which almost doubles the overall fees you are going to pay.

On top of that, if the installation is poor, maintenance becomes more frequent instead of seldom if done correctly. If you wish to maintain this liner, it is better to do it the right way instead of the “cost-effective” way.

#3: Does Spray In Bedliners Cause Health Problems?

Yes, it does, but that only happens when you attempt a DIY on your own, without proper PPE. Unlike professionals, the best you can do is a mask and a pair of gloves, which are not enough when installing this hazardous material. MDI’s toxic fumes (methylene diphenyl diisocyanate) can cause you a range of conditions, ranging from eye problems to respiratory illnesses, and is the primary and most important reason why DIY will not work with this bedliner.

#4: Can Spray In Bedliners Protect Your Car/Cargo?

As mentioned above, this type of liner cannot provide such protection, though it can prevent any scratches and other visible discoloration. It can also prevent cargo from sliding around or off the back of your truck, but in terms of cushions and dents, it is not capable of that. This bedliner acts like paint, which offers no number of cushions from impacts.

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