The Top 7 Travel Destinations for Gamers


As a gamer, most of your time is likely spent either playing games or attending to other important matters. For many gamers, it is hard to know the type of vacation that would help merge their gaming interests and enjoying different destinations around the world. Fortunately, there are loads of destinations to choose from. Gamers can choose destinations that help them meet other gamers, are significant in some way, or where they can experience new types of games. In this article, we will look at the best travel destinations that allow gamers to do one or all of these things.

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Tokyo, Japan

Tokyo has a very friendly gaming culture, with most gamers urged to visit the Akihabara Electric Town. This is where most of Tokyo’s gaming culture is concentrated, with plenty of opportunities for shopping and cosplaying plus themed shops to hang out and enjoy everything Tokyo has to offer.

For a different experience, do explore Tokyo’s internet cafés. These have the latest software and hardware so you can enjoy playing online games or surfing the net using one of the world’s fastest internet speeds. Because of everything Tokyo has to offer, gamers can relax and feel at home while enjoying Tokyo’s gaming culture.

Seattle, USA

Seattle is a great travel destination for gamers who are interested in its gaming culture as well as starting a career as game developers. Seattle has accessible and cheap internet and this may be one of the reasons why it has hosted a wide range of gaming conventions and meetups over the years.

For gamers interested in game development, Seattle has a mix of engineers, artists, programmers and others in the gaming industry considering that it is home to Seattle Indies, a community of independent game developers, as well as other game development studios.

Las Vegas, USA

Las Vegas is quite different from the other gaming destinations on this list. Although Las Vegas does have lots of attractions, it is a gamer’s paradise as it offers endless gaming adventures and entertainment. The main attraction for gamers in Las Vegas is casino games.

There are endless, world-famous resorts and casinos that offer a plethora of casino games so that gamers always have something new to try every time they are in Las Vegas. From table games to slot games, there are endless ways to have fun in Las Vegas.

After you are done gaming, you can visit the different attractions in and around Las Vegas, including various National Parks, the Hoover Dam and the Las Vegas Strip. Compared to other cities and countries where you can enjoy casino games, Las Vegas offers a lot more than casinos.

Seoul, South Korea

Seoul is the birthplace of e-sports, which took the world by storm before the pandemic hit. Even though there aren’t many tournaments or gaming meetups happening in Seoul right now, it is still a great destination for gamers to pay homage to the birthplace of e-sports.

Seoul is also great for gamers who are looking for cheap hardware and some of the fastest internet speeds in the world. For all these and more, Seongnam is the city you want to visit.

Seoul is also home to world-famous PC rooms where players book a room equipped with the latest PC hardware, software and games. Players can opt to bring their computers and even when they do not, they still get to game for hours in these cubicles. The experience is magnified by the delivery of food and other essentials to gamers.

Los Angeles, California

Los Angeles is home to all types of media in the world. These include television, music, movies and even gaming since EA sports and PlayStation have a presence in Los Angeles. Los Angeles has other attractions including the Disneyland Park and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Gamers can enjoy these and other attractions when they are not attending conferences and meetups or when they would like to experience what else the city has to offer.

Los Angeles also has very fast internet and plenty of internet cafés that players who bring their own computers can use.

Oslo, Norway

As the esports fever was hitting other famous cities in Europe, Oslo was left relatively unscathed. With very few gamers knowing about this travel destination, you can enjoy it before they all flock to Oslo once things get back to normal.

For gaming enthusiasts, Norway ranks as the second-fastest internet speed in Europe. Cutting-edge tech is also available for gamers, meaning you do not have to bring your computer. There are lots of bars and internet cafés where you can game and many hotels also have high-end computers that you can use.

When in Oslo, do not forget to visit the Oslo entertainment centre located downtown as it has become one of the best places to enjoy different types of gaming tech and hardware.

London, United Kingdom

If you want to experience a rich mix of gaming and pub culture, there is no better destination than London. London has caught on and now has lots of bars where gamers can congregate to play or watch games. Also, check if the Red Bull Gaming Sphere is open when in London. This is a gaming studio with the latest VR headsets, consoles and race simulators for gamers feeling a bit competitive.

Gamers who are interested in something different can dip their toes into the rich football and betting culture in London. The UK as a whole has a rich football culture that is often accompanied by bets on football games and different tournaments. This is a chance to experience something different and immerse yourself in the pub and betting culture of London.

There are so many destinations that would interest games, but it is always best to focus on destinations that have some significance or strong gaming culture. The good news is that these destinations will often have something else to offer, so gamers can relax and enjoy new or different activities when they want some downtime or to get away from gaming.

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