The top benefits associated with procuring HMI systems for your company


What is HMI? This is the Human Machine Interface refers to the system that allows for easier controlling and the signaling of automation equipment mostly in the industrial settings. The sophistications of the systems differ based on which HMI option you choose to use. All HMI systems however need to be able to resist extreme temperatures, water damage, be dust resistant and lastly exposure to harsh chemicals that could interfere with its functionality.

How do I choose the right HMI solution?

When looking to purchase the right Stainless steel HMI solution, you need to be aware of the different factors to look for in the ultimate solutions. Discussed here are just but a few things your HMI solution needs to satisfy your needs as a company.

  • Choose the right screen size that will fit your demands. To determine the right screen sizes determine the size available for the HMI unit. If you choose SCADA software, ensure that the screen and the HMI fit one another. Most people who consider larger sized HMI systems end up managing fewer screens.
  • Ideal touch type – Since the applications will be used on diverse devices, you have to determine whether the tough screen type is ideal for your situation. By viewing the different types of touch screen solutions availed, you can compare and make up your mind on the right option to choose.
  • All on one product? – Many HMI solutions come integrated with screen, memory and storage functions to reduce baggage on control. You can alternatively choose to have your HMI separate from your PC which is necessary when you are looking forward to replacing damaged screens for your system.

There are three main types of HMI screens businesses should choose from commencing with the following highlighted below.

Data handler – You will need a data handler HMI for your project especially in the situation that the applications for your company demand feedback from the system or production reports of the company. By choosing the data handler HMI, you can enjoy functions like data trending, handling of alarms, data logging and recipes. The HMI solution you choose must furthermore support visual representations, graphs and production summaries.

Overseer – This is a special HMI option for the applications that entails MES or SCADA.  The overseer will need several reports of the Ethernet ports that will are necessary for running windows.

Pushbutton Replacer – The function of this form of HMI is to streamline processes like manufacturing and the putting together of the different button functions all in a central place. Continue reading to determine the merits of considering HMI systems for the automations of different projects you may have.

Alarms and warnings

Alarms and warnings alert the operators of the state of the proceedings of a project relying on the HMI systems. Using such systems, plant managers can easily spot any alarms and determine the faulty areas in the system. That makes it easy for repairs and inspections to be done with the aim of improving the efficiency of the device to boost production. The alarm system just scrutinizes the machinery and determines the areas that have an issue and hence facilitate the repair and maintenance processes. Getting the warnings in advance is a major plus to ensuring you know what needs to be done and get it done on time to mitigate any potential for failures.

Reliable testing and simulation

Plants, equipment and devices can now be tested for functioning using refined platforms like HMI systems. Plant managers find this to be an extra boost to making the testing process easier and time saving through finding the appropriate HMI platform to use for their different projects thanks to the simulation of the system in achieving all that. By investing in the same, all testing tasks can be commenced and managed remotely without having bulky equipment for the same. The project can achieve reduced startup time should they consider HMI solutions besides boosting the general production of the device, plant or system.

Reduction of costs

Capital is one of the factors of production whose management determines the performance of any business. By investing in the right HMI systems, it becomes easier to foster affordable capital for running a project. Through resorting to HMIs, businesses can replace the different pushbuttons, indicator lights and most importantly the selectors needed during projects. You can also eliminate the extra cables, panels and even consoles that have to be purchased to be used during the project. It is only through sufficient planning and resource management that efficiency can be attained in the projects.

Reliable messaging

Communication is an essential detail in the successful collaboration and cooperation on any project. HMI systems allow for smooth communication through different platforms that are integrated into it. The platforms include faxes, paging and any other relevant messaging platforms supported by HIM systems. The systems should also be able to update the operators on any needs or emergencies that system needs for instance fuel refills and any other necessities facilitating its functioning.

HMI systems also help develop better communication in the company in any project(s) undertaken through platforms like Ethernet, data highway plus, remote I/O, serial ports and DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange). With improved communication, companies can enjoy productivity, operation and safety through all its operations.

Ease of plant management

One of the reasons companies needs HMI solutions are to ease management of the company as they execute different recipes. You can count on HMI systems to provide clarity of graphics hence providing realistic insights of the project proceedings. This allows the team focusing on the different facets of the project to continue from a central positioning with ease. Rather than approaching a dangerous phase of a project, the involved specialists can refrain to do so from a safe point.

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