The Top Community Fundraising Ideas


No matter how experienced you are, fundraising can often be a very difficult process. This is especially true for community fundraising, as you will need to continue to come up with new and interesting ideas in order to keep the community engaged. The list below outlines some of the top community fundraising ideas that you can use today for your cause.

Host a Bake Sale

This idea is a classic but it is so enduring for a reason because it is the perfect event for the whole community. Both older people and young children can participate and enjoy a bake sale. Encouraging people in the community to bake cakes and attend a bake sale is a great way to not only make some money for a worthy cause but also to unite a community together.

Sell Sponsored Bricks

If you are raising money to fund the build of a new property or renovation, then offering sponsored bricks is a great way to raise some money. Of course, when people give to charity, they are doing so out of the kindness of their hearts, but that doesn’t mean that offering some incentive is not beneficial. Selling sponsored engraved bricks is an effective way of incentivizing people to give more to your cause. Allowing people to choose what name or message is going to be engraved can also make this a more meaningful experience.

Have a Raffle

A raffle is another fun and classic idea for a community fundraiser. The key to hosting a successful raffle is planning the right prizes to offer. If many people in the community are involved in the cause, then it can be a good idea to ask people to donate their services. For example, if someone is skilled at a painting they could donate their time to do a portrait. Asking people to donate their time will allow you to offer more meaningful prizes.

Do a Sponsored Event

A sponsored event is another great idea when it comes to community fundraising. There are many directions that you can take a sponsored event in. Some ideas for a sponsored event include:

  • A sponsored dance event
  • A sponsored walk
  • A sponsored silence
  • A sponsored run
  • Dry January

Host a Virtual Event

Over the past few years, virtual events have become extremely popular. If you or anyone else on your team has a particular interest or skill, then you might want to consider hosting a virtual event. You could host a virtual music night, cooking, art, or cocktail-making class. Hosting a virtual event is not only a great way to spread the message of a cause and to offer value to participants, but it can also be done on a smaller budget, as you can usually perform the event in your home with minimal materials required.

Create a Cook Book

If many people involved in the organization are keen cooks, then creating a cookbook can be another great way to raise money for your cause. You can ask everyone in the office to write up one of their favorite recipes. Then you can get these bound and printed and sell the book and donate the proceeds to the cause.

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