The Ultimate Guide to Cable Management in Your Office


Cable management is simply tidying up and organizing cables, cords, and other wires either at home or in the office. The lack of organization of cables and wires could pose a safety risk in heavy cable use areas. The tasks of cable management are easy since some working spaces have built-in ability to manage cords, cables, and wires.

What is the first step in the organizing process?

Every office is different from the next; therefore, the first step in cable management is measuring the length of your cables, wires, and cords. You can use length-oriented products such as conduits, wire ducts, surface raceway, and wire looms to manage the cable. Always measure the cables carefully before embarking on a cable management exercise. When the cables are properly managed, you will save time and yourself from frustration.

Measuring the cables will ensure that you have plenty of appropriate products ready to manage and protect the wires as they run around the workspaces. Measuring cables will protect you from halting your project midway to order and wait for the products to arrive.

How Do You Organize Your Cords Yourself?

To organize your cables and cords, you should begin with clearing clutter on your working space, clear the regions between cell phone charger, monitor, printer, lamp, keyboard, and work phone. Remove this distraction by concealing the power points either in a box or under the table. 

Rather than plugging all your cables, wire, or cords into the power strip located on the floor, you can mount the strip underneath your work desk to keep the cords and cables out of view and well managed. You can use Velcro fasteners to secure the mounting.

You can use cable ties or cable clips to stick the cables together. The cable clips will assist in keeping the essential cords readily accessible. The cable clips will also help keep the wires on your work table organized and tangle-free.

How Do You Organize Your Cables Under Desk?

The first step is moving closer to the power outlets, in cases, where they are located in convenient places in the working area. This will prevent the power cables from stretching across the floor of your office. You can also use conduits for cables running on the floor. In addition, you can use cable covers to help you camouflage cords, wire, and cables running along the floor.

You can also use cable ties to tidy the cables under your work space. The cable ties will keep the cable together and prevent you from the offending sight of the cables. If the sight of cables, wires, and cords is unpleasant, then you can use a cable sleeve to manage the wires from your monitor, desktop, and TVs to the peripherals.

You can also manage stray and long cables by shortening them by wrapping. You can mount a cable wrap as a permanent solution. Ensure that the cables on the floor are kept tight to avoid a tripping hazard.

How Do You Keep Cables from Falling Off the Desk?

Using the cable clips, you can help necessary cable from falling from your working space. The cable clips have channels that prevent the terminal ending of the cables from going through. You can use a multi-channel cable clip to prevent the wires and cords from tangling.

Another way of managing cables from falling is by using holes and grommets on your work table. Small holes on the table do not require dressing and can be used for peripheral cables, while larger holes used for larger cables will need a grommet to manage the cables, cord, and wires while making your working space look neater.
Another way of preventing wires and cables from falling is by labeling them. The labeling helps isolate the wires during maintenance and troubleshooting. The cable labels will prevent accidental unplugging of essential cords that may fall from the workspace.


Most people tend to think that cable management entails pushing everything away from view and hiding them away in places where nobody can see the cable. To most people, as long as they don’t see the problem, there is no problem at all, right? This is a misconception as no matter how far you push your wires, cords, and cables, they will still affect your work environment. You can hide them, but you will have a problem when you need to perform a quick maintenance check.

Cable management is a priority in your workspace. With the right cable management tips and tools like the cable clip, you will have no problem organizing your working environment. These tips are essential for indoor and outdoor management. The tips may require tweaking to make them suitable for different situations. These cable and wire management instructions will help you reduce workspace clutter and enhance efficiency and productivity throughout the day.

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