Things That Make You Feel Stressed-Out


No one plans a stressful day, morning, afternoon, or evening. Many can say and vouch that stress happens. Studies show that many things can make a person feel stressed out. One of the significant stressors is situations that people consider to be happy events. For instance, winning or getting a present must be a really happy event. However, you may find the winner stressing out on how to deal with winnings, what to spend it on, how to win more, and more.

The Most Common Reasons to Feel Stressed-Out

In most instances, what makes a person feel stressed out is something a person “knows” or is “aware of” but is still stressing. It might be challenging to spot them since it’s your life and your mental condition. Therefore, here is a shortlist of the possible worrying things in your life:

  • Money matters
  • Work responsibilities
  • Personal relationships
  • Simple Daily Annoyances
  • Other People Stress
  • Social Media
  • Failed Expectations

Money Matters

The American Psychological Association reports that money is a significant factor in the list of things causing stress among Americans and the world. In a survey conducted back in 2015, the association reported 72% of Americans stressed about money, with feelings of anxiety topping the list of impacts. “Reading this makes me feel like not included in the statistics” is a thought many like me have over the matter. However, money matters are not about not having any to spend at all.

There are several ways in which money matters can result in stress. Some include continuous arguments with your partner, kids, and other family members about money. Ever been afraid to look at your regular mail for fear of debt wranglers? Well, if not, you have had guilty feelings after purchasing an item you do not need or feeling anxious all the time about the status of your bank account? These are just some of the money matters items and things that can result in severe stress.

Work Responsibilities

Work responsibilities can drive you crazy. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that 8% of the population spends more time at work than 20 years ago. At the same time, most of them work two jobs (13%). Appointments can be fun and refreshing, but they can also be stressful, which happens in most instances. Around 40% of workers report stressful work conditions and responsibilities, according to the CDC. People associate work stress with the pressure required to succeed, complete a project or lead a successful entry into the market. Many may dismiss it as just another day at work. But how many of these are stressful things?

  • Too much work leaving no time for anything else;
  • Insecurity and the feeling that you might be doing something right;
  • Unhappiness or dissatisfaction with your current job or responsibilities;
  • Continuous conflicts with fellow workers or boss;
  • Fear of failure and not excelling in your current responsibilities and more.

Personal Relationships

Relationships are complicated and maintaining a happy one, even more so. Doing things that upset one another is a common occurrence that many don’t expect. “Most stresses come from simple individual habits one has, for instance, squeezing the toothpaste tube at the middle and not from the bottom up,” a Ph.D. professor from the State University Wexner Medical Center with a major in Psychiatry states. She adds that simple habits are not the only stressing things in a relationship. These are only initially, and while you live together for a while longer, the stress factors increase.

The difference in opinions regarding your parenting, discipline, or financial issues can lead to worry and stress. Maintaining a balance between work, parenting, and relationship intimacies also becomes an issue. Ongoing concern on making the best of a difficult situation, especially if there is no communication, becomes a daily companion. Even trying to work out what is wrong in a relationship and how to make it right results in accelerated anxiety or stress levels.

Simple Daily Annoyances

Little happenings in a person’s daily activities are enough to provoke stressful situations. For example, bad weather, quarrelling with your neighbour or losing 33 free spins True Blue casino can upset you for the whole day. Plus, these minor occurrences negatively impact an individual’s mood. These may include having a fight with a cashier for delayed services, continuous phone calls from the insurance company after a minor accident, delays and time lost searching the parking lot for space to leave your vehicle, the traffic jam that lasts half an hour, and more. These are not things we can control, but due to their occurrence, they trigger our subconscious, and our fears rise.

The fears result from a need to be responsible, reduce chances of embarrassment, or keep time, especially for professional workers. It is difficult to protect oneself against bullies and doing everything right and on time to reduce those chances. However, failure can make your stress levels plummet. Sometimes, one needs to step back and reevaluate the circumstances: understand that you have put in much effort and have done all you can.

Failed Expectations

Failing to achieve whatever goal we set at the beginning foils our expectations of the future. It is usual for a human being to put far more unrealistic goals than expectations from a situation or event. If the planned things fail to turn out as expected, people tend to react explosively, defensively, and even throw punches. In some instances, it becomes pretty depressing. However, it does not mean setting goals and targets is an ambitious plan.

You can make a plan and make it a successful one. But, it is essential to ensure your targets are as realistic as possible. Evaluate for any misgivings and monitor your work and readjust the goals depending on the progress. Following these steps, you are more likely to avoid simple stress factors like failed expectations.

Other People Stress

Moving as a mass also applies to individual mood swings, as people’s moods can change with others. If a colleague reports working in a lousy mood and submits incomplete work, you as the boss also lose your temper. A German study in 2014 observed several participants view other people perform, dangerous, overexerting, and highly stressful work. The participant’s levels of the hormone cortisol rose exponentially with the tasks at hand. Psychiatrists describe this as empathic stress. It is the same kind of stress you feel a friend or family members experience a traumatic event. The worry and stress that a similar thing might happen to you are what empathic stress represents.

Social Media

Social media is the perfect tool to keep in touch with friends, family, and colleagues in different geographical locations. It can provide updates, current situations at home, school, or community and can develop your social influence to higher levels. However, it can also be a source of stress. Research by Pew study reveals that social media transfers stress issues from friends and strangers worldwide. The stress levels are even worse for individuals with low self-esteem, worried about their physical image or appearance, or experiencing a breakup. It can prolong these feelings make it difficult for said individuals to recover.


There are many stressful things out there in the world. Composing them on a single sheet of paper can be a difficult task. Whenever you face one of these stress factors, it is essential to take a step back as the immediate step towards reducing the chances of suffering from stress. Look at what makes you feel stressed and ask yourself, “Is this something to worry or stress about?” think carefully before providing an answer, and you will find most things that make you feel stressed are easy to solve.


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