Things To Consider When Renting Storage


Not only is maintaining order and decreasing clutter good for your mental and physical well-being, but it also instills a sense of discipline that goes a long way in life.

However, anyone can tell you that cleaning their house is easier said than done. We have so much stuff around the place that clearing it can become a challenge we aren’t ready to handle. And if your house does not have ample storage space, boy, are you in for a surprise!

Say you don’t have any particular use for a dozen and half pieces of antique furniture but just can’t let go of the emotional value they hold. Or suppose you’re relocating, and your new abode is too tiny for a gigantic collection of books you don’t want to part with. What do you do with it? You rent a storage space.

Storage facilities in California can be the necessary solution to the clutter in your house or office space. Many people are now sorting their monthly cash and making room for a storage facility’s rent as part of their monthly budget. It’s a great solution to store things you aren’t ready to dispose of but have no immediate use. Having said that, here are a few things to consider when renting storage.

Rent a space according to your needs

Some people rent out the first facility which they see. That may work for some people, but it doesn’t apply to everyone. There is no reason you should be renting a space for a few boxes of documents and paying the same as someone who stores furniture and other household paraphernalia.

It would be wise for you to weigh the options and look at what kind of storage fits your needs. You can rent them in various sizes, and of course, the rent would vary. Therefore, you don’t need to rent out an entire 8×8 unit when realistically, a smaller space with a couple of shelves can get the job done for storing a few small things.

Find a suitable unit for your needs and make sure you don’t end up paying more than you have to. These space-saving units can be a necessary solution to the clutter at home. It would be a shame if it became a liability at the end of the month because you didn’t check the other size options.

You might want to consider climate control

We all know how destructive the weather can be at times. Texas’s blistering heat can cause serious harm to the storage facilities’ contents and completely ruin some of the things you stored. Depending on what you are keeping, it would be wise to check for climate control features to ensure that extreme conditions don’t damage your stuff.

A climate control unit might cost a bit more than one that does not come with the added benefit. However, it might be a necessary investment to ensure that your contents don’t rot while in storage. High temperatures, wood, and paper don’t quite make for an exciting threesome. Nor are metal and moisture best friends. Therefore, prioritize climate control!

Moreover, climate-controlled units also provide the added benefit of bug and pest control. So that’s another plus point!

Consider the distance

If you are storing things that you might need soon, it would be wise to keep your distance from the facility in mind. Assuming you need to retrieve important documents or inventory multiple times during the week, a storage facility that’s halfway across town will do you no good. You’ll probably have a hard time commuting and recovering whatever it is that you need, and the fuel expenses will burn a hole through your pocket.

The wisest thing to do would be to find a facility as close to your home or office as possible. You need to be able to run on over to the storage unit, get what you need and get back without it becoming a hassle.

Basic amenities are a must

Climate-control isn’t the only amenity you should be looking for when renting a storage unit. Consider a few more basic features such as adequate parking space and ease of access. How far can you pull up your car or truck to the facility, and how easy is it to load/unload stuff?

Moreover, having features like internet connectivity, kiosks, and cloud-based inventory management systems makes it more convenient to keep a record of your belongings.

Finally, it would be great to refresh yourself after loading the unit up if they had a vending machine nearby. Assuming you are loading in furniture and other large/heavy items, you would probably be pretty tired by the end of the process. Grab a pack, a bottle of water, or maybe a Gatorade to replenish yourself after a few hours of heavy lifting!


Because you are storing a fair number of personal belongings in the facility, it stands to reason that there should be some security protocol in place. Upon entering the facility, you should see signs of adequate security, and when you walk through the halls, you should see cameras just about everywhere.
Without proper security, anyone can break in and gain access to the storage units. These units might hold a fair amount of valuable items. Therefore, you want to ensure that the facility has security measures in place before you consider renting a unit.

Both security guards and CCTV cameras should be in place so that you as a customer have peace of mind when it comes to storing your belongings. Biometric locks would be a huge bonus!


Renting storage space is the best solution to deal with home or office clutter or when you’re relocating and can’t keep everything in your new home. However, do consider the things we mentioned above when shortlisting a facility to rent out. Proximity, climate-control features, and security can help you keep your things safe for a long time without having to worry too much. Before renting a space, consider these factors and gauge whether the facility checks all the boxes on your list. After that, feel free to sign the contract and rent the storage unit!

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