Things to Know Before Buying a Vacuum Cleaner


When it comes to keeping your home clean, a reliable vacuum cleaner is an indispensable tool. However, with the vast array of models, technologies, and features available on the market, choosing the right vacuum cleaner can feel overwhelming. Before making a purchase, it’s crucial to arm yourself with knowledge about what differentiates one vacuum from another and how certain features align with your specific cleaning needs.

Whether you’re contending with pet hair, looking for something that can handle multiple types of flooring, or need a lightweight model for quick cleanups, understanding the key considerations can greatly influence your decision. This article aims to highlight the essential things to know before buying a vacuum cleaner, helping you navigate the options and select a device that efficiently meets the demands of your household cleaning tasks.

The Different Types of Vacuum Cleaners

Cordless vacuum cleaner

Vacuum cleaners are essential tools in maintaining a clean and healthy living environment. With technology advancing, the market now offers a variety of vacuum cleaner types, each designed to meet specific cleaning needs and preferences. Here’s a rundown of the main types of vacuum cleaners available:

  • Upright Vacuum Cleaners: Known for their powerful suction and wide cleaning paths, upright vacuums are ideal for cleaning large, carpeted areas. They typically come with adjustable settings to cater to different floor types and may include attachments for upholstery and tight spaces.
  • Canister Vacuum Cleaners: These vacuums feature a separate canister connected to a long wand and cleaning head. Canister vacuums are versatile and excel at cleaning hard-to-reach places, stairs, and under furniture. They work well on a variety of surfaces, from hardwood floors to drapes.
  • Stick Vacuum Cleaners: Lightweight and easy to maneuver, stick vacuums are perfect for quick cleanups and smaller spaces. Many are battery-powered, offering the convenience of cordless operation. Their slim design allows for easy storage.
  • Handheld Vacuum Cleaners: Compact and portable, handheld vacuums are designed for spot cleaning and tackling small messes. They’re great for cleaning car interiors, furniture, and tight spaces. Both corded and cordless models are available.
  • Robot Vacuum Cleaners: These automated vacuum cleaners clean floors on their own, navigating around furniture and obstacles. They are ideal for maintaining cleanliness between manual vacuuming sessions and can be programmed to run at specific times.
  • Central Vacuum Systems: Installed into a building or home, central vacuum systems allow you to clean any room through inlets installed throughout the property. They offer powerful suction and the convenience of not having to carry the vacuum from room to room.

Each type of vacuum cleaner offers unique advantages, whether it’s the deep cleaning capability of an upright model, the versatility of a canister, or the convenience of a robotic vacuum. Considering your specific cleaning needs, space, and lifestyle will help you choose the best vacuum cleaner type for your home.

Tips for Buying a Vacuum Cleaner

Vacuum cleaner on a rug

When it’s time to buy a new vacuum cleaner, making the right choice can significantly impact your cleaning routine. Here are some practical tips to consider before making your purchase:

  • Assess Your Needs: Consider the types of surfaces you’ll be cleaning. Do you have mostly carpets, hardwood floors, or a combination? Do you need to tackle pet hair, allergies, or lots of stairs? Understanding your specific needs will help narrow down your choices.
  • Set a Budget: Vacuum cleaners come in a wide range of prices. Decide how much you’re willing to spend and look for the best options within your budget. Remember, the most expensive option isn’t always the best for your needs.
  • Check for Attachments: Accessories can greatly enhance a vacuum’s versatility. Look for tools that suit your cleaning tasks, such as crevice tools for tight spaces, upholstery brushes for furniture, or dusting brushes for delicate surfaces.
  • Consider the Weight: If you need to carry the vacuum up and down stairs or have mobility issues, the weight of the vacuum is an important factor. Lightweight models can make cleaning much easier.
  • Corded vs. Cordless: Cordless vacuums offer convenience and ease of movement, but check the battery life to ensure it meets your needs. Corded models usually provide continuous power but may limit your range of movement.
  • Bagged vs. Bagless: Bagged vacuums capture dirt and dust in a disposable bag, which can be more hygienic but requires replacements. Bagless models use a canister that you empty, saving on the cost of bags but potentially exposing you to more dust when emptying.
  • Suction Power: Look for a vacuum with strong suction to effectively remove dirt and debris. This is particularly important for homes with pets or for those who suffer from allergies.
  • Noise Level: Some vacuums can be quite loud. If noise is a concern, look for models that are designed to operate more quietly.
  • Read Reviews: Customer and professional reviews can provide valuable insights into a vacuum’s performance, durability, and ease of use. Look for consistent patterns in feedback that might indicate strengths or weaknesses.
  • Warranty and Service: Check the warranty period and what it covers. Knowing that you have access to customer service and repairs can provide peace of mind.

By keeping these tips in mind, you can find a vacuum cleaner that not only meets your cleaning needs but also fits into your lifestyle and budget, making your cleaning routine more efficient and less of a chore.

Tips for Maintaining a Vacuum Cleaner

Vacuuming a carpet

Maintaining your vacuum cleaner is crucial to ensure it operates efficiently and lasts longer. Regular upkeep can prevent common issues and preserve suction power. Here are some practical tips for maintaining your vacuum cleaner:

  • Empty the Canister or Change the Bag Regularly: For bagless models, empty the dust canister after each use or when it’s visibly full. If your vacuum uses bags, change them before they’re completely full to maintain optimal suction.
  • Clean or Replace Filters: Many vacuums have filters to trap fine dust particles. Wash reusable filters regularly and let them dry completely before reinserting. Replace disposable filters according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  • Check and Clean the Brush Roll: Hair and fibers can wrap around the brush roll, impeding its rotation. Cut away any tangled material and clean the brush roll periodically to ensure it spins freely.
  • Inspect the Belt: The belt connects the motor to the brush roll. Check for wear and tear or slippage and replace the belt if it’s stretched, worn, or broken to keep the brush roll operating effectively.
  • Clear Blockages: Hoses and attachments can become clogged with large debris. Disconnect and inspect for blockages, using a broom handle or a similar object to gently remove obstructions.
  • Wipe Down the Exterior: Keep the outside of your vacuum clean by wiping it with a damp cloth. This prevents dust from accumulating and potentially re-entering the air during use.
  • Store Properly: Store your vacuum in a cool, dry place. Avoid wrapping the cord too tightly around hooks, as this can damage the cord over time. Ensure all attachments are securely placed, and the vacuum is not left in a position that could strain hoses or connections.
  • Use as Intended: Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for usage. Using your vacuum cleaner for unintended purposes, such as liquid cleanup with a model not designed for it, can cause damage.
  • Regular Check-ups: Just like any other appliance, periodic check-ups by a professional can help identify and fix issues before they lead to bigger problems. Consider having your vacuum serviced annually, especially if it’s a high-end model.

By adhering to these maintenance tips, you can extend the life of your vacuum cleaner, ensuring it remains a reliable tool in your cleaning arsenal for years to come.


In summary, selecting the right vacuum cleaner for your home involves considering a variety of factors, from the type of surfaces you’ll be cleaning to the specific features that match your lifestyle and cleaning habits. Whether you’re drawn to the convenience of a cordless model, the power of an upright, or the versatility of a canister vacuum, understanding your needs and the options available is key to buying the most suitable vacuum cleaner for your home.

Additional Suggestions

  • If you are having a hard time finding a suitable vacuum cleaner for your home, you can check out the iRobot roomba 665 model has over a dozen positive reviews
  • There are a variety of vacuum cleaner types to choose from, and each of these types have their pros and cons.
  • To be a lot safer, pick up a vacuum cleaner that has a HEPA filter, which has the ability to trap 99.97% of dander, pet hair, pollen, dust, and mold spores. Dyson vacuum cleaners are equipped with a HEPA filter.
  • Modern vacuums usually have HEPA filters, as they are critical for catching tiny particles and allergens.
  • Some of the vacuum cleaner manufacturers you should check out include Dyson, Shark Rotator and Hoover.
  • Here are some compelling reasons for you to consider handheld vacuum cleaners.
  • You may also want to take a look at the products offered Dreame, which offers a wide range of home vacuum cleaners.
  • If you have elderly family members in your home, then you may need to get them a lightweight vacuum cleaner for seniors.
  • Another product that uses vacuum technology is the food vacuum sealer, which can keep from spoiling, changing color, and producing bad odor.
  • While the best cordless vacuums for hardwood floors are designed to work on all surfaces, they are usually more effective in cleaning hardwood floors.
  • The Dyson V6 is arguably the best choice when it comes to replacement batteries for vacuum cleaners.
  • There are industrial vacuum cleaners for sale that are suitable for laboratories, warehouses, factories, and other industrial properties.
  • For the question, “Will baking soda ruin my vacuum?,” there are numerous factors that need to be considered to get a proper answer. Click on the link to see these factors.

Delving into the Tineco product instruction manual is a great starting point if you want to own a Tineco vacuum cleaner.

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