Things To Know Before Getting A Penis Enlargement Surgery


Are you planning to get penis enlargement surgery? If yes, then this post is for you. We know that you must have heard that surgery is the only way to enlarge your penis. It was valid only until penile traction therapy was discovered; today, you can get your penis enlarged without surgery. Jes Extender is one of the top-rated penile traction devices with satisfied customers worldwide that you can buy at an affordable price.

Surgery is a life-changing decision, so here are some things you should know before it:

Drawbacks Of Penis Enlargement Surgery

Here are some drawbacks that you should know before finalizing your decision

Cost Of Surgery

The only approved surgery in most parts of the world is Penuma. This surgery usually costs around $15000, which is a lot. It will eat up most of your savings because insurance doesn’t cover this surgery yet. You have to deposit nearly $10000 upfront, so check your budget carefully and act wisely.

Possible Risks

Surgeries always come with risks that can make your life worse than before. The penis can deform in case of accumulation of fat, scarring, or material movement. If any complications arise after the surgery, you can even lose sensation in the penis. In addition to that, difficulties in sex is one of the significant risks of surgery.

Precautions After Surgery

Surgery involves cuts and stitches, and the penis is a susceptible organ, so you have to take a lot of precautions after it. Usually, you have to visit your doctor for a follow-up check after 2-3 days of the surgery. You won’t be able to have sex or masturbate after few weeks of the surgery because your penis will be swollen.

Other Things To Consider

Here are some things you should consider before getting a penis enlargement surgery:

  1. You will have to be circumcised before getting surgery, so be clear about it.
  2. Anesthesia is used during the procedure to keep you asleep during the course.
  3. You won’t be able to masturbate or have sex after six weeks of the surgery.

Complications Faced By The People Who Underwent The Surgery

People who underwent surgery stated that the following complications occurred after the surgery:

  • Tearing of the implant
  • Formation of clots in the penile tissue
  • Infection of the implant
  • Stitches coming apart

Hence, there are a lot of complications that can arise while or after the surgery. The use of penile traction device is way safer and affordable with unique features like:

Benefits Of Penile Traction Therapy

Here are some key features of penile traction therapy:

  1. Guaranteed Results: Unlike surgery, penile traction therapy has proven that it shows guaranteed results depending upon your use’s regularity.
  2. Safe And Natural: In contrast to surgery, penile traction therapy is a natural and secure way to increase the length and girth of the penis.
  3. Increases Confidence: Penile traction therapy will help you regain your confidence and lead a great sex life.
  4. Helps To Improve Erection: Surgery may only improve the size of your penis, but penile traction therapy also improves erection for better sex.


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