Think You Can Trust Your Offshore Development Team? Then Think Twice


If you want to hire a remote development team in an offshore region, you’d better think twice in advance. When it comes to offshore development, trust is the most significant issue. The lack of it may jeopardize the efficiency of your management, undermining your business as a whole.

So do you think you can trust your offshore development team? Well, no one knows if you should. Let’s discover which factors can compromise your trust.

1. Information gap

Just put yourself in the following situation. You need to hire a senior software engineer for your distributed development team. You spend nights and days searching for a perfect match, but it’s nowhere to be found.

All candidate profiles seem to be incomplete, what makes a very negative first impression. The information about their professional experience, technology stack, and educational background is missing. How are you supposed to evaluate the skills of these candidates then?

Well, engineers don’t have a habit of updating their portfolios and profiles on a regular basis. This makes you take the wild guess while interviewing them. Sure thing, it’s pretty embarrassing, isn’t it?

2. The rating ambiguity

What’s the very first thing every HR manager or Head of Product does before hiring an offshore developer? Sure thing, they check out different freelance marketplaces, browse various rankings and ratings, and come up with conclusions about certain candidates.

The problem is that it is not always easy to check the credibility of the rating. While some websites do ratings based on their own research, the other use ratings for promoting sponsored profiles. This makes it extremely difficult to pick up the best candidate. You never know whose profile is promoted.

3. Non-transparent processes

This problem is one of the most significant in remote software development. Since offshore company and headquarters are located in different regions, they face numerous problems in processes. One of these is all about payments.

Usually, transactions from offshore countries are not recognized by certain tax authorities due to the risk of receiving a falsified invoice and avoiding tax. Besides, you never know if an hour paid is an hour worked, what makes money transfers much riskier.

Is offshore development worth it?

Though the listed above reasons jeopardize the idea of offshore development as a whole, it doesn’t mean that you should not try to build up your own distributed team. Everything you need is just to be prepared for the challenges that may come ahead.

If you are still hesitant enough not to try offshore development at all, you may decide to rely on the assistance of a tech talent marketplace, such as YouTeam. This company took the biggest challenges of remote software development and created a unified solution to fix them all in one shot.

Here’s what they offer:

  • Hassle-free communication with the team
  • Open access to the pool of pre-screened tech talents
  • Opportunity to build the team from the ground up and scale it fast
  • Transparent payment process via the trustworthy payment system
  • Guarantee of the high quality of work as opposed to freelance platforms

It’s up to you to decide whether you should hire an offshore development team. Luckily, this process is becoming much easier for both established businesses and startups alike. If you want to build a distributed development team from the ground up – make sure you research all challenges ahead.

Come up with your own ways to leave all trust issues behind. If you do everything right – you will be able to build mutual trust with your team, leading your business to where it is supposed to be. Good luck!

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