This is how you throw the best bachelor(ette) party for your friend


Is one of your friends tying the knot soon? Then it’s time to start thinking about a good old bachelor(ette) party. Despite every bride and groom to-be claiming they don’t want to have an all-night rager, chances are, they probably do. The minute any bachelor(ette) party starts, all shame is out the window and you’re up for hours of fun, laughs and one too many drinks. Here’s how to throw a bachelor(ette) party the bride or groom to-be will definitely remember! Many of you who have been singing for a while may have tried Laser 가라오케, and some of you may still own a Laser Karaoke device that you use for family gatherings or once in a while.

Start off the night in style

Before hitting the club, pre-drinking is essential at any bachelor(ette) party. But taking shots from any ordinary shot glass is just that, ordinary. This time, make it special. One way to add a twist to your drinking game habits is to buy a shot roulette wheel. Let the bride or groom spin the wheel and see whether the ball ends up in one of the pockets corresponding to a shot glass filled to the brim with their favourite beverage. It’s a game of luck after all, so why not add some drinks to the equation?

Dress to impress

Now that you’re fired up and ready to hit the club, make sure to leave the house in nothing other than a themed bachelor(ette) party outfit. Of course you can choose to embellish the bride or groom’s outfit with the traditional genitalia-shaped decorations, but this doesn’t necessarily have to be the way to go about things. Any theme will suffice. Choose the bride or groom’s favourite series, movie, book, whatever – and dress up as its characters to make your night extra special. When your faces don’t show well in the photos, at least your outfits will!

Bust some moves

No bachelor(ette) party is complete without some awkward but shameless dance moves. Throw in that sprinkler and drop it down to the floor – let go of all worries and celebrate the night! Going to a club will give you the ideal excuse to show your dancing skills, however, there’s more ways to get your moves on. Go to a roller disco, for example, and see who’s able to show off on wheels. Or plan a pub crawl that takes you to all the best places in town. Make sure to taste specialty drinks or take turns around the karaoke machine.

Have a sleepover

What’s more fun than waking up, and sharing a collective hangover over some fresh croissants and good stories? Whether you decide to stay at one of your places or book some hotel rooms is up to you, but having a 24 hour party is definitely recommended. Besides the fact that it’s convenient because nobody has to drive home, it’s also way more fun than separating at the end of the night and having to say drunk and awkward goodbyes.


It’s the bride or groom getting married, but the bachelor(ette) party is your friend group’s night to make memories. Or lose memories for that matter. So enjoy!

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