Throwing a new year party? This is how you do it!


New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day are often celebrated by staying up late to usher in a brand new year. Because New Year’s comes so soon after Christmas, often decorations for Christmas are still up, and therefore New Year’s still needs to get its own decorations. It is easy to add a bit to your existing Christmas decorations to set New Year’s apart as a holiday in its own right. But when you are throwing a party commemorating and celebrating this new beginning, you must ensure both the decor and set up with the ambience.

So let us begin with the decoration part:

1. Many of us wish to refrain from taking down the Christmas tree, and all of our Christmas decorations immediately after these presents are unwrapped, and the stockings are emptied. We enjoy the lights on the Christmas tree in the evening and the magic of the Christmas season that seems to linger as long as the decorations remain. We also just got all the decorations precisely the way we want them and have yet to be ready to put them all away. These things can actually assist in our New Year’s decorations.

2. We can start at the floor level. If we have used rugs for our Christmas decorations, it is important to determine if the rugs reflect a festive mood or if a Christmas-specific mood is a good place to start. If the rugs are Christmas-specific, exchanging them for more festive-coloured rugs or monochromatic rugs will help with the décor shift. If rugs were not used for Christmas decorating, adding an area rug will help to differentiate the New Year holiday. For extra ‘pizzazz’ in decorating, consider a Flokati rug which can be extremely luxurious and festive. Especially in a room that does not have a Christmas tree in it, brightly coloured area rugs will signify a festive area in our house.

3. Brightly coloured ornaments in jewel tones are festive and can be accented with coordinating coloured party favours. Tablecloths and throws can be changed from Christmas-specific afghans or runners to jewel-toned textiles.

4. Decorations for Christmas that are monochromatic, silver, gold or centred around a certain colour are easily translated into New Year’s decorations. Adding a complimentary bright colour can quickly transform Christmas decorations into a festive party atmosphere. If the colour scheme is already brilliantly hued, consider adding metallic coloured accents. Silver, gold or both can lend elegance and sophistication to your décor. Black is another colour that will lend elegance to your decorations when used appropriately.

5. Adding special touches to your holiday decorations can help to transition your home decorating from Christmas to New Year’s seamlessly and allows a distinct difference in appearance to differentiate the two holidays. Your holiday decorating theme can stay the same to give New Year’s its festive feel. By subtracting Christmas-specific accents and adding party-themed or brightly-hued rugs, textiles, and accents, you can give New Year’s Eve celebrations their special feel in your house.

6. There is also another thing to take care of and that is topping off the celebration by cutting a dessert. Order cake online in Bangalore and present it to the party attendees. Cut the cake at the strike of 12 o’clock and celebrate with your closest ones.

7. If visions of the ball dropping to strains of Auld Lang Syne are your idea of a typical New Years’ eve, you probably don’t need any help deciding how to celebrate or what to do for your own New Years’ eve holiday party. If you are celebrating with children or have something different in mind, you should take advantage of these helpful tips and suggestions.

Most New Year’s Eve celebrations are focused on entertaining adults, but children also enjoy making this holiday special. Depending on the ages of the children who are going to be present, festivities can be adapted to make this a very enjoyable holiday for everyone. The bottom line is that you must ensure everyone attending your party is content and jolly. That is the goal!

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