Tips for Choosing the Best Home Warranty Company


As a homeowner, the greatest threat to your newly built or purchased home are the potential damages that can eat into your savings.

Hence, getting a comprehensive home warranty with a reputable home warranty company is imperative to keep your home repair cost down.

A home warranty, unlike home insurance, is a contract that covers the cost of repairing your home systems and appliances within a stipulated time frame and conditions. You might be tempted to pick a cheap company, but it is always essential and safe to go for the best and reputable options.

Below are a few tips you can consider to help you select the best home warranty company;

Undertake In-depth Research

The only way to find the best company is to undertake thorough research. Start by making a list of all the companies that offer home warranty services, especially within your home area.

Once the list is ready, request quotes and compare the top home warranty companies based on their plans and pricing. Based on your needs, compare and see which company will suit your needs and budget. Afterwards, choose your top three companies, contact them, and engage with them for further information and clarification.

You can also analyze online reviews or seek referrals from friends and family who have used such services. With adequate knowledge and understanding, you will be in a position to make an informed decision.

Different Warranty Packages

A good warranty company will cover almost all home appliances or systems ranging from basic ones. Most of them will have different warranty plans to choose from depending on your needs and budget. For instance, Cinch Home Services offers three coverage plans: a built-in systems plan, an appliances plan and a complete home plan.

It will be prudent to purchase the complete home plan if you are a homeowner, as it covers everything within your home. But the best companies offer extra services outside their standard available packages such as Pool & Spa, Sump pump, roof leaks, and Septic system repairs.

Straightforward Claim Processing Procedure

There is no use buying a warranty plan with tedious and lengthy claim lodging and processing procedure. The best home warranty company will have a straightforward process with an equally shorter payment timeline.

Moreover, the company’s claim process should be flexible and customer-centric. For instance, the company should have an online claiming process to lodge your claim without visiting the company offices. Besides, they should offer 24-hour customer support when needed. Another aspect to look out for in the claims is whether they have a limit or not. Select Home Warranty provides no limitation on claims as long as your subscription is active.

Service and Annual Costs

Cost is essential when choosing a home warranty company. A home warranty aims to ensure that you reduce your repair cost considerably, with the company expected to cater for all the expenses. However, you will be required to pay an annual fee plus related service fees to qualify for the warranty plans.

Companies offer the warranty plans at different rates, with the pricing being determined by coverage, location, service fee, property size, and other factors. However, it is imperative to opt for a company that offers high-quality services at an affordable cost that fits your budget. What’s more, the service fee should be reasonable and should amount to more or less the same price if you opted to pay for your repairs outright. On average, companies will charge an average annual fee of between $300 and $600.

Assess Plan Limitations

Companies will opt to have limitations in their policies as a way of saving costs. Some companies will restrict their coverage to age-related problems and parts malfunctioning. However, others cover additional aspects such as malfunctions due to improper installation, lack of maintenance or unique breakages or malfunctions.

The latter companies are the best as you get value for your money and are assured that your repair costs will be sorted and minimized. If you are buying a fully furnished home, this factor should be on top of your consideration list as you will own home appliances and systems that you are not so sure about their status. Consequently, ensure that you read the company’s limitation coverage terms thoroughly. If you are not sure, enquire from the company’s representatives for clarification.

High Better Business Bureau (BBB) rating

Reputable companies enjoy high customer preference due to their excellent customer service resulting in higher business ratings. Therefore, when selecting your home Warranty Company, go for companies with a high Better Business Bureau (BBB) rating. Furthermore, the company should have a good reputation and long history of success. For instance, American Shield Home has a B rating, ranking it among the best warranty companies.

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