Tips for DIY’ing Drain Repair


Blocked drains cannot be avoided as long as we have flowing water in our homes. At some point, you will go to the internet to read on how to do drain repair or unblock clogged drains. Whether you have a drain that doesn’t allow water to pass or the water is flowing slowly through the drain, you will need someone to unblock and repair your drains.

However, should always call an expert to unblock your blocked drains? Well, according to Draincom, there are some simple repairs that a homeowner can do by himself and they are entirely painless. However, there are some tips that can get started if this is the first time you are carrying drain repair work. Here are some tips to follow when handling clogged bathtubs or sinks in your home. These tips will help you unclog your bathtubs, sinks, and drains and get then working as usual. Also, you can prefer CCTV Drain Surveys London which helps to repair the drainage system.

1. Drain cleaner

It is ideal for light clogs and is available from local home improvement stores. If you prefer using non-chemical cleaners, you can use vinegar and baking soda, which create a fizzing sound while in use.  You want to avoid using Draino if possible.

2. Plunging

Plunging is a quick solution that is used on clogged sink pipes. This solution requires some practice for it to be applied effectively. You can use mini-plungers that are specifically designed sinks, bathtub drains, and shower.

3. Snaking

A drain snake is ideal for removing clogs caused by hair. It is designed with some teeth that collect hair when you insert it in the clogged drain.

4. Unclogging a Kitchen Drain

A variety of items causes kitchen clogs since there are different types of debris passed on this drain.  Some of the methods you can use to unclog a kitchen drain include:

  • Boiling Water

The technique does not instantly work. Usually, you have to repeat this method for some time to get the result. You have to get rid of excess water in the sink, and then use a cup or a kettle to pour boiling water in the drain.

If you find this method not working, use a bit of salt before you pour boiling water in the sink.

  • Vinegar and Baking Soda

A cup of vinegar and a cup of baking soda are used in unclogging kitchen drains. Allow the mixture to settle for 15 minutes. If you find it not useful, use a cup of salt and pour boiling water on the drain.

  • P-trap Cleaning

P-trap is usually found on the curve of a sink. When it is clogged, unfasten it, clean it, and place it back to its place. If you realize clogging past this trap, use a snake to unclog the area.

5. Unclogging a Shower Drain

Clogging in the shower drain is usually caused by soap and hair after they accumulate in substantial amounts. The first thing to do is to remove internal stoppers and then hair or soap that you find near the surface.

Because the accumulation of soap scum causes this clog, try using non-soap products to remove it.

6. Preventing a Clogged Drain

Preventing clogs from occurring is better than removing it after it has already happened. When you allow clogs to accumulate, they can reduce the lifespan of your drains. Here are some pointers you can use to prevent clogs from happening:

  • Avoid dumping your grease and oil in your sink. This debris usually accumulates to form clogs in your sink. If you do not have an alternative method of disposing of fat, always pour hot water after grease.
  • Do not allow the build-up of dirt in your garbage disposal. If your sink does not have a disposal, you can filter food pieces and other debris using a strainer. Once the filter collects this dirt, clear it in your trash bin.
  • To prevent clogs from a bathroom, use a filter or a drain cover. They will help trap hair and soap scum. Ensure that you frequently clean any openings in your bathroom.

Utilizing the above procedures will get your drains working as they used to when you bought them.

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