Tips for Investing in 7 – 11 Real Estate for Sale


The advent of convenience stores in the US brought about a new dawn in the retail business. With convenience stores here to stay, everyone gains. The businesses, the buyers, and of course, the investors. When mentioning convenience stores in the United States, one of the first names to come to mind is 7 Eleven.

7 Eleven stores are usually rated well, and patronized by almost everyone. This is partly because of their efficient customer service, and the fact that they offer 24-hour customer services. Transparency and integrity have always been parts of their core values.

As a real estate investor, you are sure to get good returns for your investment when you invest in 7-11 real estate for sale. If you are ready to invest in this profitable investment opportunity, here are a few things you need to know about 7 eleven NNN properties for sale.

Quick Overview of 7-Eleven Properties in the United States

7 Eleven properties can be accredited to Johnny Jefferson, who first created the 7-11 store in 1927. Until 1991, the name of the company was Southland Corporation. The company was then sold to a Japanese-owned convenience store company, after suffering from bankruptcy. The Japanese company (7 & 1 Holdings Inc.) then renamed the business to 7-11 Inc. Today, 7-Eleven Inc is the biggest chain of convenience stores in the world.

Investment Opportunities

The major purpose of 7-Eleven Inc is to serve customers all over the nation with maximum satisfaction at their convenience. Though the company keeps seeking out new stores as well as franchises in different parts of the world.

Their convenience stores are located in strategic locations across the country. In terms of investment, they constantly seek partnership from innovative business owners in different parts of the nation thereby stamping a notable identity and recognition.

The company has a very attractive investment-grade rating and operates through different forms including franchise and corporate NNN 7-Eleven property for sale. Check out the difference between both investment opportunities here.

NNN 7-Eleven Franchise

Getting franchise from business owners who own properties of space 2400 to 3000 sq. ft. can lend their places on lease with 7-Eleven for a minimum term of 10 years or a maximum of 20 years. Moreover, as per their lease terms, the rent of your place will escalate by 10 percent after every 5 years of successful operation.

NNN 7-Eleven Real Estates for Sale

Apart from the franchise, there is also the NNN property investment, which offers a very high return rate when compared to other investment opportunities.

NNN real estate investment is such an interesting and important business opportunity that can catapult an investor to a greater height. The consumer market is in constant evolution, and investors have taken this development to their advantage.

An added advantage of investing in the company is that they know exactly how to manipulate and navigate the market to their benefits and that of their investors. When you invest in a reliable brand with the market grasp, it becomes pretty easy to become a successful real estate investor, as you get the checks coming in regularly.

If you are wondering how to convert your passion for profiting in the NNN 7-Eleven real estate world, you are surely in the right place, as you will learn all you need to know about 7-Eleven real estate for sale, including how to locate and invest in the NNN 7-11 properties that will rake in the most gains and returns.

Tips to Consider When Planning to Invest in NNN 7 Eleven Properties

The great thing about investing in NNN 7-11 properties is that the royalty paid to investors is not calculated based on the net profit, but the gross profit. With this method, you need not worry about losing when the business is going slow.

To excel in any NNN 7-Eleven investment, you must get yourself equipped with the dos and don’ts of the NNN real estate industry. Doing so will hinder you from making terrible choices that may affect your investment. Below are some important tips to help you make the best NNN property investment decisions.

1. Consider the Location of the 7-eleven Property

Just like any other real estate investment idea, the location of the NNN 7-11 property in which you intend to invest, is very critical to the success of your long-term investment. First of all, you must check to be sure that the physical location of the property you are investing in has the potential to attract customers.

A 7-Eleven property that is located in an easily accessible location is sure to increase profitability and investment security. You should also look out for strong anchor locations around the 7-eleven property. Another important point to note is the geographical location. Does the state or region have the potential to attract more people? What is the economic growth rate in the state? Is there any major investment being carried out in the area? You should note that a state or city with a high growth rate or potential would attract more returns on your investment.

2. Check Out the Potential of the Business

The business type is another critical factor that influences NNN property investments. Investors are usually advised to invest in recession-proof businesses that will attract customers no matter the economic situation of the state or country. The business potential of 7-11 real estate for sale makes it the perfect target, as convenience stores are sure to attract customers all year round. That is if the property is located in the right place.

3. Long-term Value of the Business Brand

When you invest in high-yield business brands or chains such as 7-11 properties, you are sure to make better investment deals as people tend to trust recognizable companies more than others. When you invest in 7-11 real estate for sale, for example, you are sure to get higher royalties than when you invest in some unknown businesses.

Due to the company’s level of experience and the trust and loyal patronage of customers, you won’t have to worry about the business shutting down soon. Thus, not only increase your profits but also your investment security.


Nowadays, 7-Eleven real estate for sale is one of the most trending real estate investment ideas. The high-profit potentials and minimum risks make it a very attractive long-term investment idea.

If you are not sure which 7-Eleven property to invest in, you can let the professionals decide which 7-11 properties suit your requirements best. You can also check out these 711 NNN properties right here.

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