Tips to become a security expert


Developing expertise in any subject requires studying and acquiring specialized knowledge in that subject; the process of becoming an expert in computer security is no exception to this general rule.

For this cutting-edge sector in which the skills that it is necessary to demonstrate are constantly evolving, only the best and those who strive to keep themselves as up to date as possible can rely on proven expertise.

With the successive computer attacks of recent years, the demand for computer security has increased considerably. But you don’t have to worry. To ensure your cyber defenses are 100% tough and reliable, just run Cybri Pen testing.

If they are driven by high expectations, companies and other entities that make such requests do not fail to be particularly selective about the profiles of the people they are likely to retain in order to take charge of their digital security.

Despite its essential nature, a common academic course may therefore turn out to be totally insufficient to justify real expertise in this area. Various tips exist that allow you to acquire the skills required to become an expert in computer security.

Train properly to become an IT security expert

Computer security experts often suggest talented hackers who turn out to be amazing thanks to their disruptive methods. However, most of the paths that allow you to become an expert in computer security go through an academic course.

This type of training leads to the development of a good knowledge of the various types of architectures and existing methods as well as of the rules and good practices to be maintained. This usually involves a license, a Bac + 5 or an engineering school.

A suitable training has the notable advantage of making it possible to acquire the cumulative experience of practitioners in the sector but also knowledge which, although conventional, nevertheless provides information on multiple techniques designed with the aim of improving cybersecurity.

Have a fine understanding of systems

One of the primary concerns for anyone aspiring to become an expert in computer security is the system in place within the structure to be secured. The architecture of this system, its reliability and its fragilities must therefore be the subject of great control.

Awareness of identified deficiencies, their correction and strengthening of strengths, basically optimizing the system, is a work in constant improvement. For this, it is necessary to demonstrate solid knowledge in specific disciplines:

  • Network administration.
  • System development.
  • Encryption and cryptology.

It is also necessary to have a clear vision of the hierarchy to be established between the various components of the IT system to be secured.

The implementation of an IT security policy and the drafting of a charter for this purpose make it possible to codify the access mechanisms, the sharing and monitoring rules as well as the uses that users can make of the various available tools.

Understand the need for control

Becoming an IT Security Expert: Understanding the Human Factor

Also called “table-chair” risk, the human factor corresponds to the share of risk inherent in the user of a computer system. Becoming an expert in computer security requires having a keen awareness of this risk.

One of the most concrete manifestations of this risk relates to the use by workers of an organization of cloud applications that have not been validated. These are generally open source storage solutions that do not offer any guarantee of security for the data hosted there.

Neither the organization nor the security expert then have any control over the people who can access the items stored there by the employees. When it comes to personal or confidential professional data, this risk becomes particularly serious.

The solution in this regard generally involves raising employees’ awareness of the risks associated with such practices and of the caution they must exercise. The aforementioned IT charter can serve as an accountability tool to strengthen this awareness.  Be sure to consider options like private security London as well.

Awareness should also make it possible to awaken employees’ awareness of risks such as:

  • The usual scams;
  • Passwords that are too weak;
  • Multi-use passwords;
  • The introduction of personal USB keys;
  • Sharing confidential professional information;
  • Spontaneous opening of attached files sent by strangers.

Becoming an IT security expert therefore requires being able to limit the risk linked to the human factor by empowering staff. The establishment and popularization of procedures to be followed in the event of loss of sensitive computer equipment is also part of this process. Professional experts like Geeks Callout can also be hired for the independent audit of the security system you have installed. This helps to clear out any doubt or errors in the system.

Control Wi-Fi access

Many organizations and companies have Wi-Fi hotspots installed on their premises for the benefit of their workers. Sometimes insecure, these openings which provide access to the internal network must systematically be closely monitored in order to secure data flows.

In the case of a Wi-Fi terminal with a high range, it may even happen that the opening thus provided is accessible from outside the physical perimeter of the professional premises. An unauthorized person can then connect to it, which constitutes a major flaw and a risk of hacking.

To this end, becoming an expert in computer and MacBook security implies being able to use suitable and correctly dimensioned equipment, to properly configure such networks, but also to ensure relevant control of these access points.

Control internet access

Access control is not limited to thwarting intrusions from outside. Becoming an expert in computer security also requires being able to exercise control over outgoing flows. This may require the use of a hardware or software firewall.

This tool offers the possibility of filtering all the content that passes through Internet access, without preventing workers from accessing the Web. Regular monitoring of the list of sites and resources considered to present a risk makes it possible to block any exchange with such sites.

Such an approach is amply justified because each of the Internet access points of the company, faced with specialized skills, can become an exploitable opening for an attack against the computer system.

So, for example, in the case of a system deployed on several physical sites and networked, an effective approach may consist of:

  • Limit the number of internet accesses;
  • Set up a virtual private network;
  • Provide the entire network with a single Internet access.

This type of approach makes it possible to simplify the control to be ensured by reducing the number of access points to be monitored.

New flaws are thus constantly discovered and new attack methods are also constantly being developed. Keeping this reality in mind allows you to react as it should in order to effectively protect the computer system in charge.

Become an IT security expert: Reinforce your experience

If a good training allows you to get used to the different types of systems that may exist, it is suitable for anyone wishing to become an expert in computer security to diversify their work environments. This makes it possible to be confronted with multiple architectures and systems.

This diversity offers the advantage of enriching the experience that an IT security manager worthy of the name can boast of having. The various positions held within successive organizations also make it possible to expand the career of a person who aspires to become an expert in computer security.

In the sector, the budgets of organizations have been increasing for several years and many jobs are regularly created. It is therefore relatively easy to strengthen one’s experience.

Maintain technology watch

Computer attacks are constantly improving and evolving to surprise computer systems and their managers. Hackers use their imagination and creativity to successfully thwart known protections.

In response to this dynamism & malevolence, the flaws discovered in systems, software, applications and tools are the subject of frequent updates intended to provide corrective measures. Monitoring these two plans is essential if you want to become an expert in computer security.

As the updates are provided free of charge by the editors, it would be a waste not to keep informed in order to benefit from them and strengthen the security of the systems in charge.

Likewise, it is useful to keep abreast of the procedures and protocols that are used to thwart, contain or support the most common attacks. You also need to be sufficiently imbued with it to be able to react to it properly, without losing control.

In summary

The risks associated with IT security are related to several factors. The specificities of the system to be secured, the knowledge, experience and reflexes which characterize the person in charge of the question as well as the extent of the risk linked to the human factor are major components.

S all these aspects constitute distinct and numerous variables, one constant brings stability to this apparent cacophony: the risk of attack is always present.

This constant, far from reassuring, constitutes the major challenge facing anyone who aspires to become an IT security expert.

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