Tips to Reduce Back Pain with the Lumbar Support Pillow


One of the most common ways to get rid of back pain is by using a lumbar support pillow. Everlasting Comfort Lumbar Support Pillow helps relieve pressure from the lower back and helps maintain a good posture while sitting for an extended period. It can also reduce back fatigue, which makes it perfect for people who spend long hours working on a computer. Apart from that, it also provides comfortable support while reading on your bed or even when traveling.

With these benefits, you might be wondering how to choose the best lumbar support pillow out there in the market. Following are some tips you may want to consider before purchasing one.


There are generally three types of pillows that you can choose from – inflatable, filled with memory foam, and those that have a stick from the back to the front of the pillow. It is best if you can try them out first before purchasing one so you will have an idea which among these types suits your needs. If possible, choose pillows made from hypoallergenic materials as this decreases allergic reactions.


You also need to consider how big or small you want your lumbar support pillow to be. Larger pillows are oftentimes better as they provide ample support for your whole back area. However, if you’re already using a seat cushion for comfort at work then a smaller size might fit your needs well enough. As much as possible, choose something that fits perfectly on your chair and doesn’t slide off while you’re sitting.

Material and Cover

Aside from the size, it is also important to consider the material and cover of your lumbar support pillow. Pillows made from memory foam offer excellent comfort and mold perfectly to your back so it provides better support for your spine. But if you want something soft and breathable, then choose pillows filled with buckwheat hulls or shredded memory foam. As for the removable cover, make sure that it can be easily washed in case you spill coffee or other beverages on it accidentally.


Like any other product out there, price is always a key factor when purchasing a lumbar support pillow. It’s best if you check online reviews or ask other people who have purchased pillows of the same type first before shopping around. Generally, higher-priced lumbar support pillows are made from high-quality materials making them more durable and comfortable to use.

Place of Purchase

Lastly, it is also important to consider where you want to purchase your pillow. You can either buy it online or at a local store near your place. Check out different features available for each product before choosing one that best fits your needs.

The lumbar support pillow from relieves pressure on the low back muscles and discs, reduces stress on the lower spine area, and stabilizes the spine with a firm but the comfortable level of support.

Lumbar Support Pillow prevents you from rolling or twisting sideways while you sleep, which can cause significant pain when you wake up. Also good for pregnant women to prevent sciatica.

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