Tips You Need To Know Before Buying Katana Sword in Toronto


Are you planning to buy a samurai sword but are searching for tips and tricks that will come in handy when purchasing a katana sword in Toronto? Well, buying a katana is a once-in-a-lifetime purchase. Before you make a hasty decision, it is best to take your sweet time to study more about samurai swords. Keep reading to find all the tips you need to know before buying a katana sword in Toronto.

  • Before buying the sword, the vital consideration you can make is about its material. It is best to opt for steel but never for stainless steel. You should pick from 1060 steel, 1095, and spring steel for the samurai katana sword. The steel must have an even amount of carbon. This will ensure there are no weak bits in the final product.
  • Nowadays, many katanas lack balance. Many sellers don’t consider the balance of the samurai sword. The balance of the blade is symbolic of its functionality. Katana are not made on this function today. This is why they are not capable of passing a severe usage.
  • Another tip to remember before making a purchase is to pick a product that has design and shape historically accurate. The authentic samurai swords are passed down through historical tradition. While visiting the markets, you will notice that the features in the present katana are different from the feudal period sword. The design and shape of the katana have been evolved through centuries. Try buying from the sellers who value the tradition of the katana.
  • Many katanas are not polished as per the conventional methods used back in the day. The process of polishing the blade by hand takes longer. Sellers today claim about the blade being cutting-polished. Instead, it is just a poor basic polish like a primer. Since the conventional method is not practical today, your katana must be polished in such a way that it shows the hamon and properties in the steel. If you are paying a considerable amount for an authentic katana, check before purchasing.
  • People who have ordered online the katana sword in Toronto, Canada, must get it delivered through a reliable and cost-effective shipping agency that does not charge an arm or leg.
  • In Toronto, Canada, it is legally allowed to possess a katana for decorative and fighting purposes. You will not be only charged only carrying a katana in the city; it is the intent that will determine the depth of the charge. You will need prior permission before you enter the premises of the country with an open sword. However, before freely carrying a sword in the city, it is best to check with the legal authorities to avoid unpleasant situations.


Buying a katana sword is difficult for many as there are many sellers in the market right now with deals and discounts. Before locking the deal, ask your dealer about the return or exchange policy. If you don’t like the product you received or this is not what you expected, then the policy can be your savior.



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