Top 4 Winning Strategies for Blackjack Games


Since it’s inception in the 17th Century in Nashville France, blackjack games remain the most popular card games. Winning blackjack games requires skills and a solid strategy; however, this may not guarantee you a jackpot win like Kerry Parker who won a whopping $ 7M at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas in year 1991. In total, he has won a upto $ 40M making him one of the top winners in the blackjack top prize in history. Following some of the top strategies used by the top earners can help you make some calculated steps leading to some cash in your pockets.

Here are some proven strategies to help you make some cash from blackjack;

1. Right tables for your budget

This applies to both amateurs and first-time gamblers. Don’t get carried away by the zeal to make crazy wins in your blackjack games. It’s certain that you stand equal chances of winning or losing in blackjack. Carry out basic research on the tables which allows minimum bets that suits your bankroll. Remember to invest on what you can afford to lose and take advantage of the free games offered by some casinos. The free games, give you the opportunity to play without investing your hard-earned cash in order to win.

2. Split Aces and Eights

Splitting an Ace gives you gives you a hand in winning, having a 10 on top of an ace, that equates to a blackjack giving you a 3 to 2 odds payoff. Unsplit hand of 2 aces equals 12 points and splitting the two hands provides a good chance of winning.

Having 2 eights on your hand gives you a total 16 which is hard to bust with since the best option will be to stand instead of taking additional card. Upon splitting this into 2 new hands each starting with a card of 8, your chances of winning improves. Outrightly, the 16 cards give you 10 points and an opportunity of getting a total of 18 cards on the deck for the new hand.

3. Double Down Tables

Other than, having fun at the casino, you need to take the slightest opportunity to make some cash. Double down tables give you an advantage to reduce your house edge. Most blackjack games provide double down for 10 or 11, there are other casinos that lets you double down on any card, thus improving your chances of winning. Simple strategies like this, will boost your bankroll.

4. Budget Limits

Gambling requires a sober mind, lest you stand to lose all your investment. Regardless, of how much you have at disposal, set a limit of how much you are to spend without damaging your pockets.

Regardless of activity you want to indulge in, you need to put into practice the best strategy to win and be successful in your game. Blackjack is not an exception to this rule. Follow the basic Blackjack strategy chart and the above strategies to improve your bankroll. Remember to invest the much you are willing to lose while playing and always follow your guts as you never know when lady luck will fall by your side.

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