Top Tips To Refresh Your Home And Boost Its Value In 2023


If you have been planning to refresh your property for a while, now could be the right time to explore new ideas and change the look and feel of your home. This may also help you boost its value and breathe new life into it. The best part is that there are various solutions that you can try, and there is no right or wrong way to go about it, as long as it works for your property and style. Within this article, you will find some of our best suggestions on how you can update your property and revamp the areas that need it the most.

Add A Wow Factor

Firstly, take a look around your home to determine how you can add a wow factor with minimal effort. There are lots of quick ideas that you can use to achieve amazing results in no time. This will also help you set your property apart if you are looking to sell it. For example, it can be a good idea to incorporate a variety of features, such as a fireplace, a new staircase, or a designer front door. Many of these additions won’t cost much, but they will have a great effect on the appearance of your home.

Address Structural Issues

It’s crucial to make sure that your property is structurally safe, so you should address any issues that might come up as soon as you can. When undertaking a new renovation project, you should figure out which tasks might require more time and expertise. Therefore, you may consider hiring someone to help you complete some of the jobs. For example, at MyBuilder, you can find plasterers near you, who have the right knowledge and experience for your projects. Connecting with reputable and vetted local plasterers gives you peace of mind that everything will be taken care of.

Replace Your Windows

Getting new windows is a major investment, but it will make a difference to how your home feels and looks. Therefore, if you haven’t replaced your windows in a long time, you might want to look into your options, even if your windows are double-glazed. This is because there are new advancements in technology, which can help you improve the comfort in your home by increasing energy efficiency. Moreover, you will find that there are plenty of colours, styles, and designs to choose from, so you will never run out of options. As a result, this might be a great way to change the way you use your space.

Renovate Your Kitchen

The kitchen is the heart of every home, as this is usually where we tend to spend the most time, whether we are cooking or entertaining our guests. This means that it can be beneficial to consider how you can renovate it to give it a fresh new look. You don’t need to replace the entire kitchen to add value. Before you make any structural changes, it can be a good idea to think about some of the fixtures and fittings that you use on a daily basis. For example, you can try updating your kitchen cabinets or repainting your doors.

Increase Storage

Storage is something many of us are always looking for since there are always things lying around the house. This is why increasing storage can be a great way to boost the value of your property. There are some fantastic built-in storage ideas, that you can explore, such as understairs space solutions, concealed nooks in your living room, or space above sinks. It might be helpful to create a measured plan for your property to determine where you can find underutilised spaces and how to turn them into storage areas.

Incorporate New Home Fragrances

Fragrance might not seem as important to you, but it can make a difference to how you feel in your home. It can help you transform the atmosphere, making you feel more relaxed and calmer than before. Therefore, you may want to explore new home fragrances, such as scented candles, that you can use in different parts of your home. They can also add another dimension to your home decorating process by refreshing your interiors in a unique way. For best results, consider changing your home fragrances when a new season starts.

Look At Lighting Trends

Lighting is another key factor, that can help you change the look and feel of your home in a subtle way. If you are unsure what you need to consider when it comes to choosing the right fixtures, make sure you check out the latest lighting trends, as you may find something that you can incorporate into your design scheme. For example, you may be able to find a statement lamp, that will allow you to elevate your space. However, remember that it’s important to choose lighting solutions, which will stand the test of time.

Declutter Your Shelves

Many of us tend to fill our shelves with all sorts of things like loose bits of paper that we no longer need, old manuals, and various ornaments. As a result, this can leave you feeling a bit overwhelmed and frustrated. This means that it might be time to declutter your shelves and restyle them. Be sure to get rid of any paperwork that you no longer need and place all of your files in cupboards. You can easily sell or donate any of the things that you don’t use anymore but are still in good condition.

Upcycle Furniture

Sometimes it might not be possible to buy new furniture or accessories, so you may want to explore other options, such as upcycling. Although you might think that there is no future for some of your favourite pieces, in reality, there is a lot you can do before you decide that it’s time to part with a piece of furniture. For example, you may consider reupholstering a chair or repainting an old chest of drawers. This can be a great way to add character to your property, reduce waste, and create a more sustainable home.

Update Your Bathroom

Your bathroom is an area, where you can easily add a touch of luxury with a few quick updates. It’s also possible to undertake a bathroom renovation project for a complete overhaul. For instance, you can start by painting the walls a nice shade and replacing the shower or tub. Moreover, it may be a good idea to ensure that there is adequate lighting. Be sure to replace any of your bathroom fittings,  that might be chipped or broken, such as your caddies, faucets, toilet roll holders, towel racks and other hardware. To keep your bathroom bright and airy, you may also need to get new bathroom curtains.

Improve Your Curb Appeal

Finally, another important thing that some people may overlook, as they may focus too much on interior design, is curb appeal. The external appearance of your property also plays a key role in increasing your home’s value. Thankfully, there are some simple yet effective solutions, that anyone can use to boost curb appeal. For example, you may want to update your front door colour, tidy up your lawn, add new plants and greenery to your garden, and get some quality outdoor furniture. As a result, you will be able to make a great first impression on anyone who visits your home.

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