Tree Pruning 101: Pruning Tips for Homeowners


One of the best ways you can take care of your trees is by pruning them. It helps your trees reach their full potential by staying in shape and in good health condition. However, incorrect pruning can result in damage and death among trees.

We will show you some helpful tips to help keep your trees healthy and beautiful in the days to come.  If you have any questions or concerns about pruning a tree yourself, call the pros at Sarah Tree Service Schaumburg, (847) 582-0763, for more information about their tree services.

Tip 1: Proper Equipment for Pruning

Before you start any pruning activity, you first need to have the right equipment to carry out the task safely.

Protect Yourself

Any tree-related task can be dangerous, which is why it is essential to wear protective gear to preserve yourself from harm. Protect your eyes from debris by wearing safety glasses. You also need long-sleeved shirts and pants to protect you from falling branches or limbs. Finally, get yourself a nice set of working gloves. Tree barks may have rough edges that can quickly harm your skin. It is best to use leather gloves because they are heavy-duty and convenient to put on.

Get a Good Ladder

Make sure to use a ladder that can be adjusted according to the height of the tree you are trying to prune. This will help you reach the branches with ease.

Choose Your Tools

In general, a long-handled pruning saw is best for tall trees. However, any saw with a thick blade will do the trick if you work with a relatively smaller tree. For thinner branches, use a pair of pruning shears. Make sure to get a pair with sturdy handles to avoid the shears from breaking.

Tip 2: Prune at The Right Time

It is best to prune trees in the last parts of the winter if your goal is to trigger new growth. Removing unwanted branches at the end of winter helps the tree put its energy into new growth instead of the old ones.

If your objective is to stunt the growth of your tree, prune it in the summertime. Trees naturally grow slow during this time of the year. Pruning the tree at this time will halt the branch’s growth entirely.  Be sure to consider hiring great services such as Philadelphia arborists for tree pruning for help.

Tip 3: Know Your Goal for Pruning

Before you commence any pruning project, it is recommended to know your objective first.

Instead of eradicating the branch, you can trim it back if you want to give the tree shape. You can eliminate the entire branch if it is dead, dying, or diseased because it will prevent the problem from getting more serious. Consider which particular branches you need to remove if safety is the primary issue. Make sure that the branches will fall on an open space to prevent damage and injuries.

Tip 4: Proper Cutting Technique

Making the right cut in pruning is vital to keep the tree in good shape and safe. Incorrect pruning will make the tree vulnerable to diseases that can cause its death.

Start your pruning session by cutting the branch’s underside, approximately five inches from the ground. The cut should be about 2/3 of the way through the branch. Make the last cut at the top of the branch. It should be enough to make the branch fall naturally.

After the branch has fallen, cut about 1-2 inches from the tree’s trunk to remove the remaining stub away from the tree, also, be careful not to cut the branch’s base as this will make it difficult for the tree to heal.


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