Troubleshooting Aircon Blinking Lights in Singapore: Understanding Daikin and Mitsubishi Models



Singapore’s hot and humid climate makes air conditioning an essential component of daily life. However, encountering blinking lights on your aircon unit can be a cause for concern. In this article, we will explore the common occurrence of blinking lights on Daikin and Mitsubishi aircon models, understand their potential causes, and provide insights into the approximate repair costs.

1. Daikin Aircon Blinking Light:

Daikin is a well-known brand in the air conditioning industry, and its aircon units are popular in Singapore. When faced with a blinking light on your Daikin aircon, it typically indicates a potential issue that requires attention. The specific number and pattern of the blinking lights can provide valuable information to diagnose the problem.

Common Causes and Solutions: a. Dirty Air Filter: A clogged or dirty air filter can trigger a blinking light. Regularly cleaning or replacing the air filter can often resolve this issue. b. Faulty Sensor: A malfunctioning sensor may also lead to blinking lights. Contacting a professional technician is recommended to inspect and replace the faulty sensor if necessary. c. Low Refrigerant Level: Inadequate refrigerant levels can disrupt the aircon’s cooling performance and result in blinking lights. A certified technician should be consulted to identify and fix any refrigerant leaks.

Approximate Repair Cost for Daikin Aircon Blinking Lights: The repair costs for Daikin aircon blinking lights vary depending on the root cause of the issue. Minor problems such as a dirty air filter or a faulty sensor can be resolved at a relatively lower cost, typically ranging from SGD 50 to SGD 150. However, more significant issues like refrigerant leaks may require additional repairs, which can cost anywhere from SGD 200 to SGD 500 or more, depending on the complexity of the repair.

2. Mitsubishi Aircon Light Blinking:

Mitsubishi is another reputable brand that offers aircon units in Singapore. If you notice blinking lights on your Mitsubishi aircon, it is crucial to identify the underlying cause promptly.

Common Causes and Solutions: a. Power Supply Issues: In some cases, power supply problems can trigger blinking lights on Mitsubishi aircon units. Ensure that the power source is stable and functioning correctly. b. Communication Errors: Communication errors between the indoor and outdoor units can also result in blinking lights. Resetting the aircon system or seeking assistance from a professional technician may be necessary to resolve this issue. c. Component Failure: A malfunctioning part, such as a compressor or fan motor, can cause blinking lights. Professional diagnosis and repair are recommended in such cases.

Approximate Repair Cost for Mitsubishi Aircon Blinking Lights: The repair costs for Mitsubishi aircon blinking lights depend on the specific problem and the required repairs. Minor issues related to power supply or communication errors can often be fixed at a cost ranging from SGD 80 to SGD 200. However, if there is a need to replace faulty components or address complex problems, the repair costs can escalate to SGD 300 or more.


Blinking lights on aircon units can be an indication of underlying issues that require attention and prompt resolution. Both Daikin and Mitsubishi aircon models are widely used in Singapore, and understanding the common causes of blinking lights can help homeowners make informed decisions.

Regular maintenance, including cleaning or replacing air filters, is essential to prevent common problems associated with blinking lights. In case of persistent blinking lights, it is advisable to consult a certified technician who can accurately diagnose the issue and provide appropriate repairs.

Repair costs for blinking lights vary depending on the complexity of the problem and the required repairs. While minor issues can be resolved at a relatively lower cost, more significant problems may require

additional repairs and incur higher costs. The approximate repair prices for addressing blinking lights on Daikin and Mitsubishi aircon units in Singapore are as follows:

For Daikin aircon units:

  1. Dirty air filter or faulty sensor: Repair costs range from SGD 50 to SGD 150.
  2. Refrigerant leak or other major issues: Repair costs can range from SGD 200 to SGD 500 or more, depending on the complexity of the repair.

For Mitsubishi aircon units:

  1. Power supply issues or communication errors: Repair costs typically range from SGD 80 to SGD 200.
  2. Component failure or complex problems: Repair costs can exceed SGD 300, depending on the extent of the repairs needed.

It is important to note that the above-mentioned repair costs are approximate figures and can vary based on various factors, such as the specific problem, the labor charges of the technician, and the availability and cost of replacement parts.

In conclusion, encountering blinking lights on your Daikin or Mitsubishi aircon unit in Singapore can be indicative of underlying issues that require attention. It is advisable to conduct regular maintenance, such as cleaning or replacing air filters, to prevent common problems associated with blinking lights. However, if blinking lights persist or if you are unable to resolve the issue through basic troubleshooting, it is recommended to consult a certified aircon technician.

If you were to find a professional Aircon company to help you troubleshoot. You will be able to more accurately diagnose the problem and find the root cause of the issue. While most minior issues can be rectified at a lower cost. More intricate issues may need additional troubleshooting or parts replacement, therefore incurring higher repair costs in the process. DO note that investment in proper AIrcon maintenance and repair works will help you to lengthen the lifespan of your Air conditioning condenser units and fancoil. 

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