Ultimate guide to rent a car in Dubai


Dubai is a land of a tropical desert climate. Its never-ending monarchical events, active nightlife, and especially its dazzling view of beaches, fascinated anyone. Every one of us wants to experience this beautiful city of gold at least once in our lives.

Traveling in the city is fun and all about excitement when you have your car. You can easily use advanced navigation systems to get an amazing experience of Dubai streets and roads. After moving to the city, instantly buying a new car is not a good option especially if you are a tourist. You can choose the buying option if you are in Dubai for business or work else we recommend you to book a car from any professional Rent A Car Dubai company.

Dubai has an extravagant road network and high-quality highways. It is a place built for driving. But, before driving in the city you should know the rules and regulations of traffic. Driving in Dubai without having enough knowledge about traffic rules and heavily busy roads can be scary and discouraging.

If you want to rent a car in Dubai keep it in your mind that it is a city of culture and has its own rules. Renting a car may be quite difficult for you. You have to check up on everything from a rating of the car renting company to the prices. So, you have a perfect and comfortable way of traveling through the city.

A comprehensive guide about how to rent a car in Dubai

Here are some of the important things you should consider before renting a car in Dubai.

Choose a decisive Car Rental Company

Before renting a car, the first main thing is the reputation of the car rental company. You should search about it to get complete information. Do not forget to read reviews of the users before making a decision. Also, check up on the policies, rules, and regulations of the company. It helps you in making a significant decision about your car.

Driving License and Insurance Requirement

Driving License and Insurance Requirement

Being a driver in Dubai, you must have your license of driving. Visitors from GCC countries can drive in the UAE with their own home country’s license. But if you are from any other country you can either use your international driving license or international driving permit (IDP). It is a document that ensures that your home country’s license is valid. It must be issued from the country from which your license is issued. You will have to carry both your home country’s license and IDP along with you while driving.

In Dubai, visitors are not allowed to drive a private car or vehicle. They can only rent a car with the assurance of a valid license and insurance coverage. Insurance is a policy provided by some companies that ensure that damage to the car while driving is their responsibility. They fulfill all the expenditures if any wreckage or accident happens to the car. Some car rental companies also provide the insurance policy along with cars but it’s a little bit expensive job. It would protect you from the hassle of police reports and cases after an accident.

Age Limitations

To rent a car in Dubai, there are certain age rules and limitations. The minimum age limit of a driver in the UAE is 18 years. But you must be at least 21 years old to rent a car in Dubai. Some of the car rental companies allow the driver to rent a car that is at least 25 years old. You should consider age rules before renting a car.

Duties of Car Renter

Duties of Car Renter

The renter also has some responsibilities towards him. All of the above is the return of a car or vehicle in the same condition he received. In case of any damage, the cost will be included in the final payment. Renter should also have to obey traffic laws. And avoid driving after drinking alcohol or taking drugs as it is against the law.

Rented cars should not be used for trading unless certified by the rental company. Also, the vehicle should not be overloaded. It must be used for authorized business or private purposes. Car renters must return the car to the company or owner after the completion of the contract.

Look-Over the Car before you rent it

Before renting a car, the renter should check it thoroughly. Make sure that all the accessories are properly adjusted in the car. Go through the insurance policy and its terms and conditions before owning a car. Otherwise, it may cause trouble at the time of returning the car in case of any damage caused. Also, check its functionality and if you notice any scratches or dents on the car, immediately tell your car agent about it. And these must be mentioned in the agreement that you should not pay for it in return. Checking tire pressure, oil/fuel tanks, and brakes are also important. You will have to return the car with a full tank of fuel if it is filled at the time of renting.

Down payment for Rental Cars

Down payment for Rental Cars

To rent a car in Dubai, you have to deposit a certain amount of money to the company agent. This payment is used if any loss or damage occurs to the car or its accessories. This payment is deposited at the time of the contract. In case no damage or loss occurs to the car, your deposit will be refunded completely. But, if the car is damaged or you have any traffic penalties, the car rental company will deduct it from your deposit fee.

Fines And Payments

You should also be aware of fines and charges which are implemented on you for violation of the law. If you break a traffic rule like overtaking a vehicle or exceed the speed limit, you would have to pay for it.


Here are some of the most important points that I have discussed with you. You should keep them in your mind before renting a car in Dubai. Moreover, choose the right car rental company with a great reputation to avoid future issues. In case you are looking for a Cheap Car Rental Dubai company, you can book a car from RentalcarsUAE to get the best deals.

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